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莱斯·哈雷现在可以把约翰尼借出去,并把大部分的钱装入口袋。Les Halley could now loan Johnny out and pocket most of the money.

哈雷认为某些足以使一个会发生什么事情对未来的预测。Halley felt certain enough to make a prediction of what would happen in the future.

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牛顿和哈雷曾经在伦敦咖啡馆的桌子上解剖海豚。Isaac Newton and Edmond Halley once dissected a dolphin on the table of a coffee house in London.

这么说吧,我想拥吻哈莉·贝利,但是我的时间不多了,因为她快要出嫁了。Halley, Halley Berry would be the person I'd like to snog , and I don't have much time because she's almost married.

在艾德蒙.哈雷尚未弄清楚彗星的行径之前,人们以为彗星是上天捎来的信息。Before Halley figured out a comet's orbit, people thought that comets were a heavenly sign of coming events on Earth.

最后,他指使夫莱姆斯梯德的冤家对头爱德蒙·哈雷夺得夫莱姆斯梯德的工作成果,并且准备出版。Eventually he arranged for Flamsteed's work to be seized and prepared for publication by Flamsteed's mortal enemy, Edmond Halley.

哈雷说,这颗彗星像行星一样,是围绕太阳运行的,它每绕太阳一圈大约需要76年。Halley said that this comet traveled around the sun just like a planet did, and it took 76 years for the comet to circle the sun.

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数据显示月球水比地球水包含更多的重氢元素,并与海尔波普彗星、百武彗星及哈雷彗星更为接近。They found deuterium at higher levels than it's found in Earth water—but at levels similar to the comets Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake and Halley.

他们发现,同地球上的水相比,氘的含量更高——但同海尔·波普彗星、哈库塔克彗星和哈雷上的水有着相似的平。They found deuterium at higher levels than it's found in Earth water —but at levels similar to the comets Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake and Halley.

他们发现,同地球上的水相比,氘的含量更高——但同海尔·波普彗星、哈库塔克彗星和哈雷上的水有着相似的平。They found deuterium at higher levels than it's found in Earth water — but at levels similar to the comets Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake and Halley.

自那以后,每隔76年人们就能观察到这个明亮的空间物体的出现,并把情况记录下来。Halley Comet is probably the best known comet in the world, discovered 2200 years ago, and since then this bright space object can be spotted and recorded every 76 years.

哈雷彗星仅凭肉眼就能看见,在1700年,天文学家埃德蒙•哈雷第一次正确地预测了它的回归,计算出彗星每76年回来一次。The comet is visible to the naked eye, and in the 1700s astronomer Edmond Halley was the first to correctly predict its return, calculating that the comet comes back every 76 years.

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公司与德国BKTEL公司、美国ORTEL公司、哈雷公司、CISCO公司等建立了广泛的技术、业务合作。The company has established the widespread cooperation on technology and business with German BKTEL Corporation, American ORTEL Corporation, the Halley Company, and CISCO Corporation and so on.