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因而,接受理论与传播学研究之间有着某种内在的关联。So, there are some internal relationships between acceptant theory and communicational study.

2008年8月26日是民主党代表大会第三天,奥巴马在副手拜登接受提名演讲完毕之后惊喜登台。After the acceptant speech of Joe Biden, Obama showed up as a surprise on the third day of the DNC. Aug 26, 2008.

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虽然多数的福山学生是非佛教徒,他们很快的接纳了我们的宗教习俗。Although most of the children weren't Buddhists, they were all very acceptant of our customs and eager to try them out.

我们自己还没有感觉到,心思就已经很巧妙地受了影响,对于所看到和所听到的事物变得越来越容易接受了。Without our being aware of it, the mind is cleverly influenced to be more and more acceptant of what is seen and heard.

概念设计方案的评价方法是设计过程可接受性决策的重要依据。Evaluation method for projects of product conceptual design is an important gist for acceptant decision making of design process.

二是当时大量读者、听众的非审美性的接受动机,也造成了对苏轼词的曲解与误读。On the other hand, the anti-aesthetic acceptant motive make the misinterpret and misreading of many readers and audience then to Sushi's Ci.

2008年8月26日是民主党代表大会第三天,奥巴马在副手拜登接受提名演讲完毕之后惊喜登场,使得台下支持者泪流满面。After the acceptant speech of Joe Biden, Obama showed up as a surprise on the third day of the DNC. A supporter thrilled to tears on Aug 26, 2008.

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得出每个博弈主体所接受的策略达到纳什均衡时,才能使会计信息真正做到真实与公平。The results show that the acceptant tactic of each player must achieve the Nash equilibrium only as the accounting information becomes true and fair.

用教学实例说明,语文感悟教学是一种真正发挥学生主动性的教学,它突破了以往单纯的接受性学习的弊端,将学生看成是完整的人,是一种以人为本的教学方式。It breaks through the disadvantage of the past pure acceptant learning. It looks on students as entire human beings. It is a teaching method that regards students as the basis.

知识可以通过接受学习来获得,但是技能、方法、情感态度与价值观却难以靠讲授灌输来形成,它们只能在具体的教学情境活动过程中通过不断的体验、内化而形成。Technology, process, method, sensibility, attitude and view of value cann't be got by acceptant learning like knowledge, they can only be got by taking part in activities in given context.