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无齿的中国队令球迷愤怒!!!Toothless China incur Fans' Fury! ! !

守门狗不应成为无牙的老虎。A watchdog should not be a toothless tiger.

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这种大鸟的全部残留部分是它没有长牙齿的下颚。All that's left of this big bird is its toothless lower jaw.

南美洲松鼠大小的无齿食蚁兽,有金色的长毛。squirrel-sized South American toothless anteater with long silky golden fur.

主公是个牙齿全部脱落褐色过肩长发慵懒披散的老人。Master is a toothless old man, grey hair lazily draping over his broad shoulders.

你以为我会搞个从港务局没牙的变性人给你?。You think I'm gonna stick you with some toothless tranny from the Port Authority?

如果这条龙是女孩,我就叫她无牙,如果是男孩,就叫斯图尔特吧。I would call it toothless if it was a girl and if it is a boy I would name it Stuart.

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这份爱让我坚信,你还是牙牙学语的孩子的时候我就在那里。It is that love that makes me believe. Belief that I was there when you were a toothless kid.

其中一个客户从温泉介绍了一种刺痛的感觉所带来的无牙鱼。One of the customers from the spa describes a tingling sensation created by the toothless fish.

他在被打的过程中,守卫打碎了他所有的牙,他的牙齿四年来都没有长出来。In the course of beatings, the guards broke all his teeth, leaving him toothless for four years.

我的老爸是个神话,搞定老妈绝代风华,就算有你掉光了牙我也可以带你去火辣辣。Delta, my dad is a myth, get Mom anatomia, even if you are toothless and I can take you to the hot.

但是,一个人不会简单地被时间淹没——老态隆钟地坐在火边,沉浸在过去的岁月中。But one is simply not going to be drown away one's day, toothless by the fire, brooding on the past.

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当西卡普和无牙仔飞向天空时,我们感觉无拘无束,四周都是辽阔的天空。When Hiccup and Toothless take to the sky, we're free of constraint, aware of the space on all sides.

一个早上,当我正在给阿南德换另一块尿布时,他冲我咧嘴笑了。Then one morning, as I was changing yet another diaper, Anand grinned up at me with his toothless gums.

上周末他们因为攻击乏力被桑德兰干掉,这让约尔对他的攻击手们大为光火。A toothless performance in the defeat away to Sunderland on Saturday prompted Jol to shake up his attack.

如果我们都要以眼还眼,以牙还牙,那这个世界很快就盲眼且无牙了。If we practice an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless.

如果我们都要以眼还眼、以牙还牙,那这小升初英语个世界很快就盲眼且无牙。If we practice and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless.

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这名武装分子的兄弟第二天就朝狮子扔了个手榴弹,炸掉了它的牙齿并致其失明。The man's brother returned the next day and lobbed a hand grenade at the lion leaving him toothless and blind.

法院的这种被限制了的权力已经引起了许多人的非议,他们认为提交EIS是“无齿的”要求。This limited power of the courts has led many to argue that the filing of an EIS is a " toothless " requirement.

最大的可能性是源于雌性灵长类要把咀嚼过的食物喂给它们没长牙的幼崽。The most likely theory is that it stems from primate mothers passing along chewed food to their toothless babies.