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日本幕府对西方开放,但被推翻。The shogunate opened Japan to the West, only to be overthrown.

经过了一个世纪的内战,德川幕府粉墨登场。The Tokugawa shogunate arose after over a century of civil war.

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1867年,在长州和萨摩两藩的攻击下,德川幕府倒台。The shogunate was overthrown by the domains of Satsuma and Chsh in 1867.

特别是江户时代,儒家思想被幕府视为占统治地位的思想。Especially during the Edo period, Shogunate as Confucianism was the dominant ideology.

20年后,江户幕府暴虐的封建专制面临着愈来愈大的压力。Two decades later the despoticfeudalism of the Tokugawa shogunate was under greater strain.

即使拥有压倒性的优势,德川幕府也用了数月艰苦打斗才将他们平息。Even with vastly superior forces, it took the shogunate months of bitter fighting to put them down.

赖朝死后,幕府实权落到北条家族手中,对这个体系做了修正。This system was improved by the Hj family, which took control of the shogunate on Yoritomo's death.

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日本明治维新时,幕府的势力已经十分脆弱,陷于极端孤立的境地。Meiji Restoration in Japan, the shogunate forces already very fragile, and trapped in extreme isolation.

同时,这使反对党阵营十分兴奋,感觉结束自民党长达半世纪对政权控制的机会来了。Meanwhile, the opposition camp is electrified, sensing a chance to end the half-century-long LDP shogunate.

江户幕府“锁国”的目标仅仅在于铲除危害其统治的天主教信仰。The aim of sakoku policy carried out by the shogunate at Edo was but to eradicate the incoming of Catholicism.

德川幕府在1800年后面对哪些问题?日本门户开放如何使该等问题恶化?What problems did the Tokugawa Shogunate face after 1800? How did the opening of Japan intensify these problems?

它的实用性使得执行锁国祖法的幕府也不能不辟出一方专门的空间,以求得对它的了解、学习、研究、使用并从中取得利益。Because of the practicability of modem science, the Shogunate had to give a part of special room for studying it.

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其家族祖先可以追溯到源氏的创始人源赖朝-镰仓幕府第一代将军时期。The clan can trace its ancestry back to Minamoto Yoritomo, the founder and first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate.

1853年,美国殖民主义者率领舰队来到日本近海,要求与德川幕府谈判。In 1853, the United States came to the Japanese colonialists , led by Fleet offshore, to negotiate with the Tokugawa shogunate.

明治维新前统治日本的政权,乃是素有“密探政府”之称的德川幕府。The state power that governed Japan before Meiji Restoration is the Tokugawa shogunate which is always titled as Spy Government.

为了让贵族娱乐和麻烦,幕府鼓励贵族追求休闲生活的培养。To keep the aristocracy entertained and out of trouble, the Shogunate encouraged the nobles to pursue lives of cultivated leisure.

相对于其他因素,萨摩、长州两藩的兴起在导致德川幕府倒台一事上有何重要性?试加以探讨。Examine the importance of the rise of Satsuma and Choshu relative to other factors in leading to the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

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本文主要论述了德川幕府时期日本与东南亚地区朱印船贸易的发展状况。The article mainly discusses the development of Shuinsen Trade between Japan and Southeast Asia during the period of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

各地大名必须轮流返回江户居住的参觐交代也更好的帮助德川幕府控制下属大名。Sankin kotai, a system whereby daimyo alternated residency between Edo and their domain, also helped the shogunate keep control of the daimyo.

禅宗从中国传入日本以后,在武士阶级和幕府政权的保护下得到了迅速的发展。Since the Zen sect had been introduced from China to Japan, it got fast development under the protection of warrior's class and Shogunate regime.