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有数百个桑巴舞学校的市镇。There are hundreds of Samba schools in the town.

但人们仍可以免费享受里约的阳光、海滩和桑巴舞。Rio's recipe of sun, sea and samba is still free.

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大多数人民的里约热内卢桑巴舞学校去。Most people in Rio de Janeiro go to samba schools.

每当跳起桑巴舞的时候,太阳升得老高。And when the samba played, the sun would set so high.

把更多的在你的饮料桑巴舞。绝对伏特加芒果。更多芒果。Put more samba in your drink. Absolut Mango. More mango.

鼓手使有生机的气氛中在玛海滩位于里约热内卢。Samba drummers liven up the atmosphere on Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro.

前几天我碰到一个人在杂货店跳手机桑巴舞。The other day, a man ran into me while doing the cell phone samba in the grocery store.

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桑巴舞游行是巴西狂欢节最精彩的部分,本届狂欢节将于下个月举行。The samba parade is the highlight of the Brazilian carnival which takes place next month.

桑巴亚·北京是一个立足于社区的巴西桑巴音乐舞蹈学校和演奏歌舞团。Escola de SambAsia is modeled after the samba school community ensembles of Rio de Janeiro.

法国人只得报价布莱克本的克里斯。桑巴和波尔顿的加里。卡希尔。The Frenchman has made only enquiries for Blackburn's Chris Samba and Bolton's Gary Cahill.

如果当时巴西留意之外的南美,都是足球、桑巴和高通胀。If Brazil was noticed at all outside South America, it was for soccer, samba and hyperinflation.

医生带着队伍,被穿着皮革和比基尼的桑巴舞者包围着。Ivo Pitanguy. The doctor led the procession surrounded by samba dancers in feathers and bikinis.

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桑巴是巴西一种独特的音乐和舞蹈形式,是由非洲裔的巴西穷人们创造出来的。The samba is a unique Brazilian music and a dance form that was begun by the poor Afro-Brazilians.

1930年前后,里约热内卢开始出现桑巴舞学校,狂欢节也由此进入了一个巅峰时期。The carnivals reached a peak around 1930 when the samba schools started to emerge in Rio de Janeiro.

桑巴的音乐原产于这座城市,至今还是这里狂欢节上的灵魂之音。The samba sound was born in Rio and remains the beating heart of the city’s rather racy Carnival parade.

现年廿一岁的谢奴森巴,自去季季尾被普利茅夫弃用后仍未有落班。Now 21, Samba is currently without a team after having been released by Plymouth at the end of last season.

在巴西里约热内卢的维拉多罗森巴舞学校仓库里,一位工作者正准备嘉年华的花车。A worker prepares a carnival float at the Viradouro samba school's warehouse in Rio de Janeiro January 28, 2008.

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75岁的贝卢斯科尼曾和阿皮塞拉合作推出过其它专辑,但此次首次融入了巴西桑巴舞元素。Berlusconi, now 75, has written other albums with Apicella, though this is the first that includes samba tracks.

故事从日出时分的巴西丛林中展开,鸟儿醒来,拍动彩色翅膀,跳起桑巴舞。It opens in the jungle of Brazil at sunrise, when the birds wake up and * flap their colorful wings to the samba.

每当跳起桑巴舞的时候,太阳升得那么高。回响于我耳畔的,灼伤我双眼的,是你那西班牙的小夜曲。And when the samba played, the sun would set so high. Ring through my ears and sting my eyes, your Spanish lullaby.