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然后混合物进行真空蒸馏。The mixture is then distilled in vacua.

大多数的真空似乎永远无法得到它们转瞬即逝的短暂名声。It would seem that most vacua never get their 15 minutes of fame.

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所以,随著时间的进行,不同的真空便不断地诞生。Consequently, as time goes on, different vacua can come into existence.

同样地,只有稳定真空的一小部份才适合生命。Similarly, only a small fraction of the stable vacua are hospitable to life.

布索指称真空的组态可能并不重要,就像是铁块中的原子。Bousso notes that the vacua configurations may be immaterial—like atoms in a lump of iron.

探险家所采行的路径,就是他在宇宙中的位置上所经历的一系列真空。The path taken by that explorer is the sequence of vacua experienced at his location in the universe.

大约有10380个真空位于有效区域,但精确的零最多只佔其中非常微小的一部份。About 10380 vacua lie in the sweet spot, but at most only a tiny fraction of them will be exactly zero.

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这样,作者将给出扭真空空间和扭余真空空间的概念,其定义类似于非扭的情形。Then the author is able to define thespace of covacuaand thespace of vacua in the same way as in the untwisted case.

在这种情况下,针对多个真空所做的统计结果,反而会比单看一个真空而做的预测来得更有用。In that case, statistics derived from many vacua , rather than trying to make predictions from a single one, might be more useful.

这些也许将完全改变或去除弦真空的地景,或者放弃在地景上聚集成瀑布般的泡泡。These may completely change or do away with the landscape of string vacua or with the cascade of bubbles that populate the landscape.

我们无法确认究竟存在多少个稳定真空,也就是到底有多少个点可供球停驻,但此数目可以非常大。We cannot be sure how many stable vacua there are—that is, how many points where a ball could rest. But the number could very well be enormous.

广义相对论并非是个零合游戏,空间架构的伸展允许创造新的体积,以容纳新的与旧的真空。General relativity is not a zero-sum game—the stretching of the spatial fabric allows new volume to be created for both the old and the new vacua.

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要回答这个问题,需要对真空谱有更深入的了解,而这是在一些研究领域中倾力分析的题材。Answering this question will require a much greater understanding of the spectrum of vacua and is the subject of active research on several fronts.

计算了等离子体介质中,沿弯曲螺旋线运动的相对论电子的辐射谱,进一步导出了真空中的能量辐射公式。The radiation spectrum for relativistic electron moving along curved spiral curve in plasmas is calculated, and also the formula of total energy emitted by a relativistic electron in vacua is derived.