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车轮蹭著了挡泥板。The wheel's rubbing on the mudguard.

在水下搓揉双手时数数,一直数到20,还要用上肥皂——仅靠冲洗无法做到真正除菌。Count to 20 while rubbing hands under

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他们这样做就是在伤口上撒盐。It is like rubbing salt in the wound.

车轮蹭着挡泥板。The wheel' s rubbing on the mudguard.

请不要因此而揉搓或按压您的眼睛。Avoid rubbing or pressing on your eye.

拓片是一种特殊的文献形式。Rubbing is a sort of special document.

车轮蹭着了挡泥板。The wheel was rubbing on the mudguard.

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我的猫喜欢用牠的脸来摩擦我的腿。My cat likes rubbing her face on my leg.

他疲惫地坐着,揉着他的太阳穴。He sits rubbing his temples with fatigue.

分香帕子揉蓝腻。Hong veil tired of rubbing the blue points.

难道训练师在球员身上抹的是液体黄金?Are trainers rubbing liquid gold on players?

搓手的行为能帮忙去除病菌。The rubbing action helps remove germs germs.

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车轮一定是蹭着什么东西了。The wheel must be rubbing against something.

他们靠摩擦两根木棍取火。They make fire by rubbing two sticks together.

毫无疑问,律师们正摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。The lawyers are, no doubt, rubbing their hands.

卡罗尔这娃肯定在搓手呢。Andy Carroll will be rubbing his hands together.

他在寒风里不停地搓弄著手。He was standing in the cold wind, rubbing his hands.

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我倒在那里,揉着疼痛的腿,妻子毫无反应地继续睡着。As I lay there rubbing my sore leg, my wife slept on.

他藉著磨擦肚子和呻吟做势表示饿了。He pantomimed hunger by rubbing his belly and groaning.

为什么我们能通过火柴盒上磨擦火柴取火?Why can we get fire by rubbing a match on the matchbox?