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再者,犀利哥又是现代人流浪情怀的托梦者。Furthermore, the sharp brother is metaplasia of wandering modern feelings.

嗜烟者喉部呼吸道上皮化生。Metaplasia of laryngeal reiratory epithelium has occurred here in a smoker.

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嗜烟者喉部呼吸道上皮化生。Metaplasia of laryngeal respiratory epithelium has occurred here in a smoker.

切下来的粘液囊肿可以是正常的,也可以有部分的鳞状化生。The resected mucosa may be normal or demonstrate areas of squamous metaplasia.

掌握萎缩,肥大,增生和化生的类型,病理变化。To grasp the type and pathological changes of atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia and metaplasia.

在病理上均证实为脐尿管之残留物,但有2例合并有上皮细胞不同程度之变性。The urachal remnants were proved by pathology, but epithelial metaplasia was noted in two cases.

在正常鳞状上皮、鳞状化生上皮及轻度非典型增生未见到CEA。CEA was not demonstrated in normal squamous epithelium, squamous metaplasia nor in mild dysplasia.

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在12个月的时候,主要的结果包括发育异常和肠化生的彻底根治。Primary outcomes at 12 months included the complete eradication of dysplasia and intestinal metaplasia.

图示食管粘膜化生,左边的胃型柱状上皮取代了正常的食管鳞状上皮。Metaplasia of esophageal squamous mucosa has occurred here, with gastric type columnar mucosa at the left.

在传统的大规模工业化生产中,是先有产品后有标准。In traditional large-scale industry metaplasia mid-production, after is has the product to have the standard first.

我们报告一个骨盆腔脂肪增多症合并囊状膀胱炎及慢性膀胱化生的病例。We report a case of pelvic lipomatosis associated with cystitis cystica and chronic metaplasia of the urinary bladder.

然而癌前病变是已经公认的肠化生还是更难于探及的不典型增生。Yet is the premalignant lesion the readily recognized intestinal metaplasia or the more difficult to detect dysplasia?

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胃的肠化生在幽门螺杆菌高感染率的国家普遍存在。Gastric intestinal metaplasia is a common finding in countries with a high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection.

胃癌发生的过程通常是长期的慢性发炎,慢慢导致细胞的萎缩和化生,然后走向癌化。Gastric cancer usually arises in chronic stomach inflammation and where atrophy and intestinal metaplasia have supervened.

公认的肠化生或更难发现的异型增生是否做为癌前病变得到检测?Is the premalignant lesion to be detected the readily recognized intestinal metaplasia or the more difficult to detect dysplasia?

肠化、不典型增生胃粘膜组织TLR4的阳性表达明显高于胃癌组织。TLR4 expression in gastric mucosa with intestinal metaplasia , dysplasia is significantly higher than that in gastric cancer mucosa.

当尿路上皮出现在较多的前列腺导管的周围段和腺泡时,称之为尿路上皮化生。When urothelial lining is seen in more peripheral ducts and glands as in this needle biopsy, the term urothelial metaplasia is used.

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非典型增生显然是肿瘤发生的最大危险因素,超过了肠化生。Dysplasia clearly represents the greatest risk for subsequent development of cancer, certainly more than gastric intestinal metaplasia.

鳞状上皮化生常见于梗死、炎症、放疗或抗雄激素治疗后。Squamous metaplasia in prostate can be seen in response to infarction, inflammation, radiation therapy, or androgen deprivation therapy.

同时RNA斑点杂交结果提示在非癌胃组织中随着肠化程度增高人端粒酶RNA表达也增强。At the same time, RNA dot blot revealed that the expression of hTR was increased with intensified intestinal metaplasia in gastric mucosa.