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然后,我们会采用血液成分分离程序来采集干细胞。The stem cells are then collected through a process called apheresis.

对比研究手工洗涤后血小板功能与形态的影响,观察洗涤血小板的质量和临床疗效。Objective To assess the influence of apheresis and wash on platelet function and morphology.

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通过血浆分离置换法提取血液中的一种细胞成分,剩余的其他血液重新输回捐献者。Apheresis is used to extract one cellular component, returning the rest of the blood to the donor.

目的探讨经血小板交叉配合试验的配合单采血小板的临床输注效果。Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of matched apheresis platelet by cross matching test.

本研究旨在评价白细胞滤除对机采血小板整体质量的影响。This study was aimed to investigate the effect of leukocyte depletion by filtration on the quality of apheresis platelets.

加拿大血液服务中心的血浆捐献者每年可能进行多达52次血液成分分离程序,而血小板捐献者每年可能捐献26次。Canadian Blood Services' plasma donors may undergo apheresis up to 52 times a year while platelet donors may donate 26 times a year.

结论机采新鲜冰冻血小板可以用于抢救由于血小板减少导致的出血性疾病。Conclusions The frozen apheresis platelets can be used in rescuing the patients with haemorrhagic diseases induced by platelets deficiency.

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目的探讨治疗性血小板单采术临床应用及其对血小板功能的影响。Objective To discuss the clinical application of therapeutic platelet apheresis in the high platelet patients and to observe it's impact on platelet function.

目的研究用捐血者个人喜爱的影视片干预减轻机采血小板捐献者在捐血过程中焦虑、血压、心率及静脉穿刺疼痛的作用。Objective To investigate the effects of personal film intervention in the apheresis platelet donors on anxiety and pain caused by vein phlebotomy during donating.

目的探讨新鲜血小板的临床应用效果,以弥补急救时新鲜血小板供应不足。Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of the frozen apheresis platelets in order to make up for the deficiency of the fresh apheresis platelets during the rescue.

结论观看影视片可以明显减轻机采血小板捐献者捐血过程中的焦虑及疼痛反应,且对捐献者的血压、心率有正性影响。Conclusion Personal film intervention can alleviate anxiety and ache significantly for apheresis platelet donors and have a positive influence on blood pressure and heart rate.

FDA明确了经过微生物检测系统释放检验后,用于常规储存和病人输血的单采血小板保存时间可增加为七天。FDA clears apheresis platelets collected with certain systems for routine storage and patient transfusion up to 7 days when tested with a microbial detection system release test.

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目的探讨机采新鲜冰冻血小板的临床应用效果,以弥补抢救病人时新鲜血小板难以供应。Objective To evaluate the clinical efficiency of the frozen apheresis platelets by the Amicus separator, in order to make up for the deficiency of the fresh apheresis platelets during the rescue.