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台北我们需要同志模范生吗?。Do Taipei need Gay symbol?

台北市精致租屋服务。Taipei apartment for rent.

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嗨,我是安姿丽劳在台北。Hi, I'm Anjali Rao in TaiPei.

小莫札特在中正纪念堂。Little Mozart in CKS, Taipei.

钟斯先生已不在台北。Mr. Jones is away from Taipei.

我在台北已预订了房间。I made a reservation in Taipei.

第五名则是市立木栅动物园。The Taipei Zoo won fifth place.

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是日由原居地出发,乘客机前往台北。Depart from home city to Taipei.

三重市是在台北的东边吗?Is Sanchung City east of Taipei?

台北,轿车和摩托车堵塞。Car and Motorcycle jam in Taipei.

台北是中华民国的首都。Taipei is the capital of R. O. C.

台北花博精彩可期!Taipei Flower Expo brilliant show!

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我姓郝,从台北打来的。Johnson?This is Mr. Hao from Taipei.

她在台北的一家大公司工作。She works in a big office in Taipei.

台北国际专业展欢迎您!Welcome to visit Taipei Trade Shows!

「西门町是台北的茶馆」。Ximending is the Harakuju of Taipei.

台北市灾情较轻。Taipei escaped comparatively lightly.

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别担心,在台北从来没下过雪。Don't worry. It never snows in Taipei.

爸爸因事到台北去了。Father has gone to Taipei on business.

我礼拜天去看了「一页台北」了。I watched "Au Revoir Taipei" on Sunday.