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所以不要后悔。So never regret.

我们并不遗憾。We regret nothing.

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我真的很是悔怨。I really regret it.

我们对此感到抱歉。We regret the typo.

我很后悔那样做。I regret doing that.

我对此表示遗憾。I regret this,” he added.

我感到非常愦憾。I am very confused regret.

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我后悔来拉曼大学?Do I regret coming to UTAR?

我来不了,很抱歉。I regret that I cannot come.

酒醒后,我非常后悔。Jiuxing, I very much regret.

否则汝必后悔!Otherwise, you swill regret.

认识你,我一生无憾!I have no regret knowing you!

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我后悔没有更努力学习。I regret not studying harder.

很抱歉,此事我爱莫能助。I regret that I can not help.

对质量重难点型我深表遗憾。I regret the quality problem.

他们感到悔恨和悲伤。They feel regret and sadness.

她会不会后悔和他见面?Would she regret meeting him?

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嫁给你我一点都不后悔。I have no regret marrying you.

后悔莫及加上追悔无用!Duihui with regret and useless!

我做过的事从不悔怨。I never regret what I had done.