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声音颤抖或出现破音。Wavering or cracking voice.

那人语无伦次地问话。The man was asking, grammar wavering.

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他仍然在两个计划中游移不定。He's still wavering between the 2 plans.

指着河里游动着的一条鳟鱼。He pointed to a trout wavering in midstream.

季节正在更替,夏日已步履蹒跚。But already the season is wavering and summer totters.

对此永恒真理会产生怀疑是因为心念摇摆不定。Doubts about this eternal truth come because of the wavering Mind.

“动摇的承诺可被视为没有承担一切”。"Wavering commitment could be considered as no commitment at all".

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奥巴马誓言团结美国民众和摇摆不定的国会议员。The president vowed to rally Americans and wavering lawmakers alike.

在摇曳的灯光下,听反串皇后樊其辉唱一曲老歌,讲一段旧事。In the wavering light, drag queen sang an old song and told a past story.

对于上帝没有丝毫动摇的坚定意念充盈于布鲁克纳之心。A firm consciousness of God that knew no wavering filled Bruckner's heart.

对于时常动摇的土耳其,这也是使其保持亲西方路线的重要方法。That prospect is essential to keeping a wavering Turkey on its pro-western path, too.

我不知道这次叛乱会向何处发展,但我确实知道有些警察小队在犹豫。I don’t know where this uprising is leading. I do know some police units are wavering.

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与会者称,这一会见对于争取摇摆不定的民主党人的支持至关重要。Those at the meeting say the pitch was crucial to securing the support of wavering Democrats.

还有些人表示,目前人们还在犹豫观望,要知道,几年之前,很多人甚至都不愿公开承认自己是勒庞的支持者。Some think many would not have admitted just a few years ago although they are still wavering.

如果动摇继续,可能导致美元崩盘,通胀成为现实。If the wavering continues, it could lead to dollar collapse and make inflation self-fulfilling.

同样,澳大利亚政府似乎也动摇了其反对强制性排放上限的决心。Australia's government, too, seems to be wavering in its opposition to mandatory emissions caps.

在某些地方,蒙德里安以和线条平行的方向作画,以避免让手摇晃。In some places, Mondrian painted parallel to his stripes, trying to keep his hand from wavering.

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所以,你应当舍弃这种自大之心,以坚定、无一刻松懈的毅力,致力修持法教。So cast away conceit and train yourself in Dharma practice without wavering for even a single moment.

当得被告却当不成原告,法院在这个基本判断上前后矛盾,摇摆不定。When a defendant is not the plaintiff when the court judgement, in this basic inconsistency, wavering.

台风一刮,动摇分子挡不住,就要摇摆,这是规律。When a typhoon strikes, the wavering elements who cannot withstand it begin to vacillate. That's a law.