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三段论试图为“知识”下一个精确的定义。Tripartite theory attempts to define what knowledge is.

三国合作的前景将更加广阔。The tripartite cooperation will enjoy a brighter future.

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目前,东京和北京正计划与华盛顿进行三方对话。At present, Tokyo and Beijing are planning a tripartite dialogue with Washington.

三角债是一种复杂的债务链,形成原因复杂,危害严重。Tripartite debts is a complicated chain debts with complicated causes and great damage.

第三章扼要介绍了弗洛依德和他的人格三部论。Chapter three offers a brief introduction to Freud and his Tripartite Model of the Mind.

2004年6月21日,中日韩三方委员会首次会议在中国青岛举行。On June 21, 2004, the China-Japan-ROK Tripartite Committee held the first meeting in Qingdao.

转按揭贷款涉及三方或者四方当事人,须签订三份合同。Mortgage loans to the parties involved in tripartite or quadripartite to sign three contracts.

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针对这些问题,市新闻出版局将采取三方面的措施。Be aimed at these problems, city news publication bureau will take the step of tripartite face.

因此,在三厢图结构基础上提出的资源推荐算法都具有先天的局限性。Thus, the algorithms designed on top of the tripartite graph structure have intrinsic limitations.

然后,必须进行包括政府、民主党派以及各少数民族组织在内的三方对话。Then, tripartite dialogue between the government, pro-democracy groups and ethnic groups must be held.

鼎足对是元散曲的一种独特对仗形式,是元人小令中在“量”与“质”两方面都居绝对首位的对仗。Tripartite antithesis is a particular form of antithesis adopted by non-dramatic song of Yuan Dynasty.

代位权诉讼中涉及债权人、债务人及次债务人三方当事人。Tripartite litigants of creditor, debtor and subordinate debtor are involved in subrogation proceeding.

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延安时期,中共的“三三制”政体的民主体制是延安精神的产物。During the Yan an CPCs, CPC s democratic institution of tripartite regime was a product of Yan an spirit.

要解决网站挂马问题,就要从这三方面入手。Want to solve a website to register equestrian issue, be about from proceed with of this tripartite face.

本文研究某些简单图与路,星图的笛卡尔积图的交叉数和完全三部图的交叉数。In this paper , we study the crossing numbers of the cartesian product graph and complete tripartite graph.

唐代的花鸟画与山水画同人物画鼎足而立。Flower-and-bird painting, landscape painting, figure painting were in a tripartite balance in the Tang period.

要使三方主体分获资本产权股、“知本”产权股和劳动产权股。The tripartite mainstay should be given property share, "knowledge" property share and production right share.

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曾两度受邀参加乌克兰的基辅音乐节,先后到基辅、柴柯夫和克里米亚演出。In Ukraine she was invited twice to sing in the colourful Tripartite Music Festival of Kiev, Charkhov and Crimea.

据悉,三方合作的第一个项目是在杭州的以沃尔玛为主力店的购物中心。Reportedly, tripartite cooperation in Hangzhou is the first item to the main shop for the biggest shopping center.

今年是中日韩三国合作10周年,中方担任三国合作的协调国,有关会议将在中国举行。This year marks the 10th anniversary of the tripartite cooperation. China will host the meeting as the coordinator.