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修复齿科是美国牙科学会所认许的八个牙科专门领域之一。Prosthodontics is one of the eight dental specialties recognized by the ADA.

目的金-瓷修复体的临床效果评价。Objective To evaluate the clinical results of PFM restoration and prosthodontics.

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目的建立口腔修复各类模型及模型库系统。Objective To establish the system of the models and the element libraries for prosthodontics.

本文就种植体在口腔正畸、修复中的研究近况作一些介绍。This article reviews the recent research developments in implant in orthodontics and prosthodontics.

本文介绍了口腔修复学多媒体手册的设计与开发。This paper introduced the design and development of the multimedia handbook in prosthodontics course.

现任北京大学口腔医学院修复科教授、主任医师及博士生导师。She is working in Peking University School of Stomatology as professor of department of Prosthodontics.

本文介绍了口腔修复学临床操作多媒体课件的设计与开发。This paper introduced the Design and development of the multimedia courseware on the clinical skills in prosthodontics.

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牙科修复治疗时为了达到满意的美学效果,上颌前牙的大小和形状异常重要。In prosthodontics treatment the size and form of the maxillary anterior teeth are important in achieving pleasing esthetics.

附着体义齿由于兼有固定义齿和可摘义齿的优点,是口腔修复的重要组成部分。Both with the advantages of fixed and removable dentures, the attachment prostheses is an important component of prosthodontics.

在重点省级三甲医院从事口腔临床与教学工作三十余年,具有丰富的口腔科诊疗经验。As a senior dentist with almost 30 years experience in the dental care, especially in Orthodontics, Prosthodontics and Implatology, Dr.

临床医生应合理地选择黏结材料,精细地完成黏结过程,达到最佳的修复效果。Dentists should choose luting cements reasonably and do cementation carefully, make the fixed prosthodontics expectation as long as possible.

黏结是固定修复的最后环节,黏结材料的选择和黏结过程的完成对固定修复体的使用寿命有很大的影响。The final step of fixed prosthodontics is cementation. The clinical durability of fixed prosthodontics depends on the luting cements and cementation.

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本文从口腔修复学专业教学的特殊性出发,对口腔修复学相关的电视教材制作与应用进行了探讨。From the prospect of the features of prosthodontics, the study is to evaluate the role of video teaching materials in prosthodontics in clinical teaching.

摘要氧化锆陶瓷作为口腔全瓷修复材料,在生物相容性、化学稳定性、抗弯曲强度和色泽等方面具有优势。Zirconia ceramics used in all-ceramic restoration of prosthodontics has shown favorable biocompatibility chemical stability flexural strength and color property.

咬合托一种可移动牙科器具,由金属丝和塑料制成,戴于腭上,作为牙齿矫正或修复的诊断或治疗辅助。A removable dental appliance, fabricated of wire and plastic, that is worn in the palate and used as a diagnostic or therapeutic aid in orthodontics or prosthodontics.

仿真头颅模型教学系统为口腔修复学临床前期教学提供了一个模拟临床操作的平台。Head-simulator provides a basis for simulating not only a patient but also a dental treatment unit in an ergonomic way in preclinical teaching program of prosthodontics.

介绍了视听教材在口腔修复教学中有助于教学方式的转变,理论联系临床实践以及补充新知识等作用。The audiovisual teaching material of prosthodontics is helpful in transforming educational mode and integrating theory with clinical practice and supplying new knowledge.

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在工作的十年中,我主要从事于口腔修复专业,对各种活动义齿、固定义齿及精密附件都有接触。During the last 10-year employment, I was mainly engaged in Prosthodontics and I got in touch with all kinds of removable dentures, fixed dentures and precision accessories.

口腔修复学是用符台生理要求的方法,利用人工材料修复口腔及颌面部各种缺损的学科。Prosthodontics is the sciences that deal with the restoration of oral-maxillofacial defects and deformities with artificial materials in biological and physiological manners.

操作基本技能考核的重点学科包括口腔颌面外科学、口腔内科学和口腔修复学。In the evaluation system the emphatic contents include the clinical operation basic skill of oral and maxillofacial surgery, operative dentistry, endodontics and prosthodontics.