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是的,卡休斯,从今而后。Yes, Cassius, and from henceforth.

从今往后,我要爱所有的人。Henceforth will I love all mankind.

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今后有两件事需要去做。Henceforth two things need to be done.

从今以后,我再也不会使用“不”这个词。”Henceforth I will not use the word "not".

自己此后会成为扶引头地事实。I would henceforth become a seeker of facts.

从今以后,像蒲公英一样,随遇而安。Henceforth , like dandelions , happy-go-lucky.

从今往后,我要培养笑的习惯。Henceforth I will cultivate the habit of laughter.

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而自此以后,布朗先生就像菲茨一样成为新工党之狗。Like Fitz, Mr Brown henceforth be a New Labour dog.

我期望今后对我有更好的游说演变方式。Henceforth I expect a much better conversion effort.

而自此以后,布朗先生就像菲茨一样成为新工党之狗。Like Fitz , Mr Brown may henceforth be a New Labour dog.

从今往后我缝人便赞管他对我如何看。And henceforth I will go celebrate any thing I see or am.

以色列阿,你当仰望耶和华,从今时直到永远。Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and for ever.

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而这个,啊,这个将成为伙伴的信物。And this, O this shall henceforth be the token of comrades.

奥巴马和欧萨玛,从今以后这两个名字将成对出现。Obama and Osama. Two names that will henceforth be coupled.

从此,我不再要求幸福,我自己就是幸福。Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune.

沮丧的绑匪说他们今后再也不干这种事了。The sad gangsters said that they would not do it henceforth.

今后将陆续选登相关资料。Will choose in succession henceforth publish relevant material.

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从此等候他仇敌成了他的脚凳。From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.

从此以后,避免海关检查将会更加困难。Henceforth it will be more difficult to avoid customs examination.

从此以后,爨部族在云南统治了四百年。Henceforth the Cuan clan ruled Yunnan for over four hundred years.