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我给锈得吱吱响的铰链上了点油。I put some oil on the squeaky hinge.

我的系统已经超稳定运行达六个月之久。My system has been squeaky clean for over 6 months.

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有一次爸爸让我给吱吱响的脚踏车…One time Dad let me oil all the squeaky bicycle wheels.

因为它常吱吱地欢叫,我便给它取名“佳乐”。I named him Squeak because of his constant squeaky chirping.

特雷福学着安娜贝利吱吱的嗓音,嘲讽地说,“我担心得要死。”Trevor imitated Annabel in a squeaky voice. “Oh I'm so worried.”

比如常有人拎着一只吱嘎响的娃娃站在摄影机后。There's often someone with a squeaky toy standing behind the camera.

在枝节缠绕的月桂树丛的对面,传来了他尖促的声音。His squeaky voice came from beyond the tangle of saplings and laurel.

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下次你开始和一个女士交谈的时候,不要让人觉得你说话的声音起来好像吱吱作响的声音。The next time you strike up a chat with a woman, don’t sound squeaky.

学习第一步确定一个吱吱作响的下沉处理此免费视频。Learn the first steps to fixing a squeaky sink handle in this free video.

它也没什么有趣的玩具,只有一根绳子和一个常会吱吱响的球。He doesn't have any fancy toys, just a bit of rope and a regular squeaky ball.

首先,打算振兴经济的政府必须毫不含糊地作到廉洁。First, the administration of the economic recovery plan has to be squeaky clean.

这家店超级干净,一群开心的阿姨和叔叔们在这里工作。The restaurant is squeaky clean and served by a cheery army of aunties and uncles.

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帕斯基出来时,他面前推了个大物件,下面安有吱吱嘎嘎作响的滚轮。Persky reappeared, pushing before him a large object on squeaky roller-skate wheels.

他们的街道、空气和自来水都干净得没话说,而且人人都酷爱巧克力。Their streets, air and tap water are squeaky clean and chocolate is a national obsession.

想要鞋子不发出滋滋声,拿出鞋垫,涂上凡士林或者WD-40再放回去。To stop squeaky shoes, remove the insole and apply Vaseline or WD-40 before replacing it.

课间休息时,我靠着一张吱吱作响的桌子旁,与前排一位满身大汗的男孩聊起天来。During the break, I leaned over the squeaky desk, chatting with a sweaty boy in the front row.

昨天,我遇到一名学生,他的换把杂音很明显,我就要让他意识到换把杂音的危害。With a student yesterday -who had very squeaky fingers- I wanted to make him hate the squeaks!

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电视机正开着,灯光明亮,地方极其整洁,但空荡得使人感到神秘。The TV was on, the lights were bright, the place was squeaky clean, but it was eerily deserted.

吉姆,我估摸着这趟车今夜又要晚点很久。"I reckon she's agoin' to be pretty late ag'in tonight, Jim, " he remarked in a squeaky falsetto.

偶尔有鬼魂靠近小船,扯着粗哑的嗓音索要长柄勺。Occasionally a ghost would come up to the side of the ship, and in a squeaky voice ask for a dipper.