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可用性该如何定义?How to define usability?

但更大的问题是可用性。But the bigger problem is usability.

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增加数个提示讯息以增进流畅度。Added several prompts to enhance usability.

安装方面的改进提高了使用性。The installation enhancements improve usability.

典型的,我们将这些属性和可用性相关联。Typically, we relate these attributes to usability.

我们通常不提交可用性的需求。We do not typically submit requirements for usability.

那可用性和创造性之间的灰色地带在哪里呢?Where is the grey zone between usability and creativity?

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在网络上,可用性是生存的必备条件。On the Web, usability is a necessary condition for survival.

在互联网上,可用性事关雇员生产力。For intranets, usability is a matter of employee productivity.

可用性是一个主要的设计要求,东软独奏。Usability was a primary design requirement for EdgeGuard Solo.

您还应该在项目团队中安插可用性工程师。You should also embed usability engineers on the project team.

很明显,交叉销售可用性是能否达成效力提升的关键因素。Surely cross-sell usability is a factor in their effectiveness.

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以短天数内进行使用性工程,如使用者测试。Perform usability activities, such as user testing, in a few days.

钢号代用会影响零件的使用性能和成本。The replacement of steel grade will affect parts usability and cost.

该部分从业务和可用性方面讨论了这样做的必要性。It discussed some of the business and usability reasons for doing so.

功能性检查之后,可以紧接着进行易用性检查。The functionality check can be closely followed by a usability check.

iPhone不能仅靠更好的使用性和更多的应用。The iPhone can’t just rely on better usability and more applications.

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邀请客户进行目标系统可用性的评估和确认。Invite customers to do targeted usability evaluations and validations.

它们讨论了这种改进的业务原因和易用性原因。They discussed some of the business and usability reasons for doing so.

评价鼻内窥镜应用于鼻渊辨证施治中的价值。To evaluate the usability of endoscopy for the diagnosis of rhinorrhea.