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你们有柯罗娜吗?Do you have Corona?

日本有索尼,墨西哥有科罗娜,德国有宝马,韩国有三星。Japan has Sony. Mexico has Corona.

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日本有索尼,墨西哥有科罗娜,德国有宝马,韩国有三星,中国有什么?Mexico has Corona. Germany has BMW.

又由于﹐靠近电线制品的电晕是热的。Also, a by- product of the corona is heat.

如何成功地暂停游戏科罗娜啤酒SDK?How to successfully pause game in Corona SDK?

国际制药联合会是一种疾病,这是相关的冠状病毒。FIP is a disease that is related to Corona virus.

墨西哥啤酒,与科罗娜比色深及风味多些。It is a mexican beer, darker than Corona with more flavour.

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在这些之外还有太阳风——由日冕而来的气体流。Beyond that is the solar wind, an outflow of gas from the corona.

日冕的变化反映的是太阳内部的变化。Changes we see in the corona reflect changes deep inside the sun.

云雾体整体作用形成宝光光环。It is believed that the whole fog body can form the glory corona.

电晕放电和刷毛状放电只是从放电点处逐个地发生。The corona or brush discharge would transfer from point to point.

我的天啊,那还不得把那些个什么乱七八糟的花全部都给电晕掉。Oh my God, it is not the what be out of order flowers all to corona.

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替换主充电器单位,或可能是其他单位的电弧电晕。Replace primary charger unit, or could be arcing of other corona units.

结果表明脉冲流光电晕放电消除H2S是有效的。The results show that the pulsed streamer corona is effective to remove H2S.

研究了散卵层厚度与电晕人工孵化效果的关系。The relationship between egg layer thickness and corona hatching was studied.

光晕渲染出辐射的太阳耀斑,有机的赤热,日蚀和小束极光。Corona renders radiant solar flares, organic glows, eclipses and wispy auroras.

电晕是输电线路设计和运行中面临的重要问题之一。Corona is one of key problems in the design and operation of transmission lines.

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脉冲电除尘电晕放电状态不同于传统的直流电除尘。The discharge state of pulse corona in dedusting differs from of that DC corona.

哨兵骑士似乎并利用电晕极光带麦克恢复生机。The Sentinel Knight appears and uses the Corona Aurora to bring Mack back to life.

“日晕”是一种正常的天气现象,多出现在春夏季节。"Corona" is a normal weather phenomenon, and more appear in the spring and summer.