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金的佛佗。A golden Buddha.

哦,五朵金花?Five golden flowers?

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在金门公园?In Golden Gate Park?

冷战挫败是金。Cold foiling is golden.

我梦中的金姑娘。Golden Girl of my dreams.

这是黄金比例数。This is the Golden Ratio.

秀秀我的金蛋大奖。I'm the golden egg winner!

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我追猎那头金鹿!I hunt for the golden stag.

这名妇女镶有金牙。The woman has golden teeth.

金色的秋天是收获的时节。Golden fall is harvest-time.

那是因为这些金手铐。It's those golden handcuffs.

“唻”,是一束金色的阳光。"Ray", a drop of golden sun.

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金丝猴生活在中国。Golden monkeys live in China.

她金色的手指搭在唇边。Her golden finger on her lip.

那个女孩有副金嗓子。That girl has a golden voice.

何来金黄的谷穗?Where grows the golden grain?

中国的金童能再现辉煌吗?Can China's golden boy repeat?

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应该可以找金花了吧?Can I find golden flowers now?

不要违反“金科玉律”Don’t violate the golden rules

这对你可是黄金的发…It is a golden chance for you.