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我誓死保卫了你们。I will defend you.

竭力为它们辩护。Fight to defend them.

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愿上帝维护正义。May God defend the right.

可是,她太虚弱了,虚弱到无力反抗。Too weak to defend herself.

辩护和证明决策。Defend and justify decisions.

你会为洛克辩护吗?Are you going to defend Locke?

以色列必须保卫其领土。Israel must defend its territory.

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因此我们不应该自卫吗?So we should not defend ourselves?

因此他们必须保卫巴黎And, so, they have to defend Paris.

有人要为页面浏览量辩护吗?Anyone want to defend the pageview?

地面部队,守住我军机场!Ground forces, defend the airfields!

防御的上策为攻击。The best way to defend is to attack.

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他们为保卫祖国而战斗。They fought to defend their country.

这里是通往东北的要隘。Men were detached to defend the pass.

美国将捍卫自己1969年的申索。The U. S. will defend its 1969 claim.

这种情况下,我们又该如何设防呢And given that, what should we defend?

我的工作是为霍尔茨的决定进行辩护。My job was to defend Holtz's decision.

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我们站在一起捍卫民主。We stand together to defend democracy.

很多城镇都修建了10米高的防护墙。Ten-meter high walls defend many towns.

你能捍卫你的政治信念吗?Could you defend your political beliefs?