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台钟在滴答滴答地响。The clock is ticking.

生命的时钟在嘀哒作响。That clock is ticking for you.

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你的生命之钟在嘀嗒作响。That the clock is ticking for you.

电传打字电报机在纸带上打出电报来。The teletype is ticking out messages.

表针的滴答声有利于他的睡眠。The ticking sound helped him sleep well.

是人类末日的钟声在滴答作响吗?Is the clock of doom ticking for mankind?

我听得见墙上的钟在滴答地响。I could hear the clock on the wall ticking.

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我感觉到一种内疚的悲痛,不想让老爸扫兴。I felt a guilty pang about ticking him off.

她开始扳着手指罗列这些名字。And she began ticking them off on her fingers.

为什么他们听不到市场这只定时炸弹的滴答声呢?Why can't they hear this market timebomb ticking?

滴答响噪音的液压汽车都很好。Ticking noises from the hydraulic tappets are fine.

有一些东西,有东西在嘀嗒走着。These are things that--something's ticking over there.

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你听见时钟在鳄鱼肚子里嘀嗒响吗?Do you hear the clock ticking in the belly of the crocodile?

当然你用手指敲击一下就可以。You can certainly beat this with a ticking of finger typing.

“就像有颗定时炸弹,”帕斯特女士说。“It seems like there’s a ticking time bomb, ” Ms. Paster said.

在我们边走边谈笑间,我一直在留意时钟滴答滴答的脚步声。As we talked and laughed, I was aware of the clock ticking away.

如果你认为你侥幸成为了漏网之鱼,别高兴得太早,时钟并未停止转动。If you think you haven't got caught, the clock is still ticking.

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当苍蝇产完卵,它就启动了一个生物时钟。When the fly lays its eggs it starts a biological clock ticking.

程序和统计了滴答地响,他似乎非常有信心。Ticking off programs and statistics, he seemed supremely confident.

在沉默中,我可以听见墙上那老钟的滴答声。In the silence, I could hear the old clock ticking away in the hall.