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你们提供伙食吗?Do you serve meals?

我将竭诚为您服务!I will serve for you!

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软服务冰淇淋。Soft serve ice-creams.

那裁判一定瞎了眼。To serve as an umpire.

他将任市长一职。He'll serve as a mayor.

他的发球相当棒。His serve is fantastic.

或者是接发球?Is it on serve returns?

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微笑和服务他人。Smile and serve others.

因为你可以为他服务。So you could serve Him.

我们是委员会的成员。We serve on committees.

先来后到。First come, first serve.

他的发球强有力。He has a powerful serve.

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希望他们会丢些薄荷糖。I hope they serve mints.

我连微笑都欠奉。Ismile all owe to serve.

冷藏,加冰块饮用。Chill and serve over ice.

他发球发得好。He has a very good serve.

我马上把饭菜端过来。I'll serve you right now.

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我乐意侍候你,杰克。I love to serve you, Jack.

服务于养牛业!Serve the cattle industry!

您要买点儿什么?What may I serve you with?