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金钱是主要的压力源。Money is a major stressor.

它是我生命中第一号压力源。It is the No.1 stressor in my life.

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这个压力源的影响是什么?What is the effect of the stressor ?

应激原是指引起应激反应的各种刺激因素。The stimuli or agents that induce stress are termed stressor.

一个主要的、甚至影响到经验丰富的教师的压力是资金。A primary stressor that affects even seasoned faculty is funding.

深受焦虑症之苦的学生们将课业列为首要的压力源。Anxiety-ridden students list schoolwork as their chief stressor. U.

但是极有可能,你的工作正是你最大的压力源头。But in most likelihood, your work is your absolute biggest stressor.

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外基因改变是受环境压力后的生物反应。Epigenetic changes represent a biological response to an environmental stressor.

另外,你对压力源的反应也取决于你的生理状况。In addition, your response to the stressor also depends on your physiological state.

目的分析CCU患者压力源,提出护理对策,提高其生存质量。Objective To analysis stressor of CCU inpatient, put forward countermeasures and improve their life quality.

虽然当脱发女性接受诊察时,医生也会先排除由于甲状腺病或是缺铁的可能。But in women with hair loss, doctors also have to rule out if the stressor is a thyroid problem or low iron levels.

你的思想会告诉你“关于潜在压力源是否会变成实际的压力源,”Blonna说。What your mind tells you “about a potential stressor determines whether it becomes an actual stressor,” Blonna said.

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他说,比如新的恋爱关系,如果以前的恋爱不顺利,这就可能成为潜在压力源。Take the idea of a new relationship, he said. This can be a potential stressor if other relationships didn’t go well.

但是巴拉克指出“这些病因都是极少发生的,多数女性都是象泰拉说的那样由于精神压力导致脱发。”"While these are rarely the causes, it's more commonly an emotional stressor like Tyra is talking about, " he points out.

例如,当你在去上班的路上遭遇堵车,就是一个压力源,但是在一个悠闲的周日,堵车对你来说就没有什么关系。For example, being stuck in traffic on your way to work is a stressor. But traffic on a leisurely Sunday isn’t a big deal.

方法采用问卷调查法对广州市某三甲医院急诊室护士的职业压力来源进行探讨。Methods 30 nurses of emergency department in a hospital of Guangzhou were investigated by using the nursing job stressor inventory.

目的调查公安消防部队官兵的心理应激源特点,为今后针对性的心理帮助提供依据。Objective To investigated the characteristics of stressor in firemen and to provide scientific basis of psychological consultation.

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下岗人员正承受着较强的信息不支持压力,情感和物质方面的不支持压力次之。The laid-off persons were enduring unsupportive stressor on information, and other stressors on emotion and material were slenderer than that.

酒精和压力存在相互依存。当你有压力时喝酒可延长和增加压力的紧张感。Alcohol and stress are found to feed off each other. Drinking when you're stressed out can prolong and increase the tension you feel from the stressor.

其中护理工作和专业方面问题为干部病房护士最主要压力源,时间分配及工作量问题为普通病房护士最主要压力源。The main stressor of the nurses in cadre ward was "nursing work and speciality" and that of the nurses in common ward was "time allotting and workload".