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我个子高,她则身材娇小。I was tall ands she was petite.

通常一个小的爆竹。Prisca-Usually a petite firecracker.

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服装尺码从特小号到特大号不等。Dress sizes range from petite to extra large.

比如,你可能认为你喜欢小个子的金发女孩。You may decide you like petite blondes, for example.

你如何打扮你的小小布。Where do you find clothes to dress your Petite Blythes?

但是和狮鬃水母比起来,它们只能算小儿科。But they are petite compared with the lion’s mane jellyfish.

一夜过后,它只剩下可怜的花苞,像一位娇小的女子,却又含苞待放。Night after it left the poor bud, as a petite woman, but Moon.

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雅梅·法雷尔,一位身材娇小的拉美裔年轻女子,拿出一份打印资料。Jamey Farrell, a petite young Hispanic woman, displayed a printout.

这位纤秀的幼儿园老师几个月来经常来这里。The petite nursery teacher has been coming to these events for months.

你会看到小姑娘和老奶奶,从娇小型到庞大型。You'll see teenagers and grandmothers, women from sizes petite to plus.

在霸王龙出现之前,暴龙类的成员是比较娇小的一群。Indeed, before T. rex hit the scene, tyrannosaurs were relatively petite.

不沾手,可将产品混合在宠物主食或药特里,增加宠物食欲。This product can mixed with pet food or medicine and increase pet ap petite.

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身材娇小的要避免穿磨损的款式,要找有细褶和细长剪裁的牛仔裤。For a petite frame avoid weather treatments, look for pin-tucking and a slim cut.

茱莉亚是个好名字,不太现代,但很可爱,这个姓氏不错。Julia’s a pretty name, little modern but cute and petite. Clarkson, nice surname.

想要让自己看起来高挑的娇小女子或许可以选择从头到尾一码色的长裙。And petite ladies who want to look taller might opt for a solid color head-to-toe.

她在大笑,并且让这种大笑看上去显得如此娇小玲珑而细致优雅。What eyes! She had a big smile and a big laugh for someone so petite and delicate.

他把自己带着6350号警徽的夹克给她穿上,宽大的警服完全裹住了她小小的身躯。He gave her his jacket, bearing shield No. 6350, and it swallowed her petite frame.

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拿来三只小碗,倒上小旭从大理带回来的梅子酒。In three petite bowls I poured the bayberry wine Little Xu bought in Dali of Yunnan Province.

蜡笔自然的颜色是这些娇小花童的真实写照。Soft pastel natural colors are the true reflection of the beauty of these petite flower girls.

她又因为冷而打颤,也是因为恶心,当她看着他亲吻身边娇小的金发女郎。She shivered again from the cold — and the disgust — as she watched him kiss the petite blonde.