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春不总是千篇一律的。Springs are not alway the same.

她总是缠着他要礼物。She is alway worrying him for presents.

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他总是从朋友处要钱花。He alway sponges money from his friends.

你觉得天堂的门还会为你开吗?You mean heaven alway opens a door for you?

他总觉得冷所以穿了件外套。He wore a coat because he alway felt cold.‘Last

像往常一样,他轻吻了一下女儿的脸颊。as alway he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.

不要愚弄老人哦,记住,姜是老的辣!Don't hoax the old, remember, old ginger is alway hot!

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他是个超级马屁精。总是拍老板的马屁。He is a super brown-nose. He alway brown-noses his boss.

他好容易令到其他人喜欢他,亦都好容易伤害其他人。He alway made others fall for him and hurt them as easily.

又要在桌子上,在我面前,常摆陈设饼。And thou shalt set upon the table shewbread before me alway.

那爱情的绮丽,总是在孤单里。The gorgeousness of love alway be abandoned in the loneliness.

这几日早上我都望着天空,却一直以来都抓不住距。In these morning, I alway watch the sky , but I has never catch it.

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人生必需永远前进,才不愧为有理智的人。Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be alway in progression.

我希望你不介意我问个问题,为什么你只是戴白色的领带。I hope you don't mind my asking but why did you alway wear the white tie.

咳,这还那个人见人爱车见车载的、抱着吉他微笑的唱作小女生吗?Hey, is this person that little girl who'so lovely, alway smile with a Guitta?

如果你有信念,你只需要坚信付出总会得到回报。If you have faith, you just eed to trust that every outcome i alway to your advantage.

楼主SB,又看见你在上网了。你怎么总在网上呀,你的学习任务完成了吗?SBLZ, see you in the Internet agin . how do you alway on-line , your mission to learn it?

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他们可能不总是霸天虎是什么意思喜欢这些事情,但他们喜欢一起去完成。They may ot have alway loved what they did, aid a ister, ut they loved doing it together.

我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂,因而,我们总是把质量放在第一位来考虑。We believe that quality is the soul of an enterprise . Therefore, we alway put quality first.

它冲走了一个关于你的梦,但是无论发生什么都无法将你带走,因为你将永远只属于我一个人。Wash away a dream of you , But nothing else could ever take you away , cause you'll alway be my.