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我举出的例子是精神分裂症。The examples are from schizophrenia.

做一只诚恳的脊椎动物。An animal had schizophrenia was uncured.

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我们能预防传染诱发的精神分裂症吗?Can Infection-Related Schizophrenia be Prevented?

那精神分裂的食疗方究竟是怎样的呢?Therapeutic side of schizophrenia that what is it?

那么精神分裂患者思维奔逸如何调节呢?Ben thought that schizophrenia Yat How to adjust it?

患有精神分裂症或有精神异常者不做。Suffering from schizophrenia or mental abnormalities do.

目的调查与分析精神分裂症患者的前驱症状。Objective To probe the prodromal symptoms in schizophrenia.

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立法中体现的精神分裂也反映了人们想要马儿跑得快,又要马儿不吃草。The schizophrenia in the legislature reflects the peoples'.

她说,弟弟有某种精神分裂症。Jermyn sleeps, says her brother has a form of schizophrenia.

结论精神分裂症是一种多基因遗传疾病。Conclusion Schizophrenia was a polygenic hereditary disorder.

此外,多巴胺与精神分裂症有关。Moreover, dopamine is particularly implicated in schizophrenia.

有1例于术后1周曾出现精神分裂症状。One patient suffered from schizophrenia 1 week after operation.

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经鉴定,徐某患有突发性急剧性精神分裂症。After identification, Xu suffering from sudden sharp schizophrenia.

目前对精神分裂症的治疗未取得令人满意的疗效。The curative effect of the treatment in schizophrenia is not famous.

谈起这些我真的很同情他。不过他的精神分裂症已经得到控制。I feel bad saying that. But his schizophrenia has been under control.

回顾性分析462例精神分裂症的用药。Review analysis of drug usage in 462 Schizophrenia patients was made.

精神分裂症早期症状4、发呆,两眼发直,长时间呆在一处不动。Early symptoms of schizophrenia 4, trance, eyed, long stay in a fixed.

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分析给她一个讨论她精神分裂症的出路。Analysis gave her an outlet to discuss her problems with schizophrenia.

从精神分裂到谵妄症——各种精神病患者都在这里接受治疗。Treatment was given to diverse complaints from schizophrenia to delirium.

第六,青春精神分裂症患者一般注意力涣散。Sixth, the general attention of young patients with schizophrenia and lax.