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空洞的诺言是无诚意的。An empty promise is insincere.

他对这种假惺惺的谄谀不屑一顾。He is above the insincere flattery.

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严防在您周围虚假的朋友。Beware of insincere friends around you.

我无法接受你根本毫无诚意的道歉。I cannot accept your insincere apology.

我是房间里最不真诚的一个人了。I was the only insincere one in the room.

你得小心那些虚情假意的人。You have to watch out for insincere people.

那样的人通常代表着不诚恳与不体面。A yes man often comes off as insincere and sleazy.

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神不会悦纳虚假的敬拜。God will not accept the worship of insincere hearts.

他说他很抱歉,但我知道他毫无诚意。He gave a deep apologize, but I know he was insincere at all.

他们为此作出的辩护,被看作心不在焉而且毫无诚意。Such apologies as they make are deemed halfhearted and insincere.

没人会怀疑美兰妮是不诚恳的,是吗,亲爱的?Nobody could accuse Melanie of being insincere . Could they, my dear?

上帝并没有因我们的偏行己路而责怪我们不忠诚。The LORD does not twit us with them and charge us with being insincere.

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我忍受你那些没种的臣民虚假的祷告,要到几时呢?How long will I endure the insincere prayers of your spineless subjects?

生活中最使人筋疲力尽的事弄虚作假。----A。M。林德伯格。The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. ----A. M. Lindbergh.

它与反对派的对话也很迟疑且看起来并不真诚。Its offers of dialogue with the opposition were hesitant and seemed insincere.

如果你避免眼神的交流,别人就会认为你不真诚、不值得信任。If you fail to make eye contact you will be seen as insincere and untrustworthy.

店里买的糖果通常被认为缺乏诚意,所以许多女孩都亲手做巧克力。Store-bought sweets are considered insincere and many girls will make their own.

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如果你不直视对方,你就会被认为是不真诚--甚至是不诚实的。If you use indirect eye contact you may be regarded as insincere -perhaps even dishonest.

那说他决心公正地待你的人是多么不正常和不真诚啊!If he decides to stay put, again he might be criticized for being insincere and uncreative.

如果在被捉奸在床后的几分钟内就安慰性地跟对方道歉,就会显得很没诚意。It would seem insincere and placating to offer an apology minutes after your affair is discovered.