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过去我们为非殖民化而战。We fought for decolonization.

英国的非殖民化经历了四个阶段。The decolonization of the British Empire experienced four stages.

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回答这个问题前首先要弄清殖民这个概念。To answer this question we must first understand the concept of decolonization.

从很多方面来讲,今天我们在埃及所见证的,其实是这个国家真正的去殖民地化。In many ways, what we have witnessed in Egypt today is the real decolonization of this country.

非殖民化是1945年至1951年英国工党政府对外政策的一个重要方面。Decolonization was an important part in the British Worker P arty' s foreign policy from 1945 to 1951.

例如在赞比亚和喀麦隆,殖民地自治后,尽管有所改变,这一模式仍然继续着。In some, such as Zambia and Cameroon, this heritage continued, although modified, after decolonization.

其中,二战期间罗斯福提出的印度非殖民化构想就是最好的例证。Among them, the idea of the decolonization of India Roosevelt put forward during World War II is the best example.

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马姆达尼教授将从这个理论角度出发,探讨去殖的挑战。Professor Mahmood Mamdani will think through the challenges of decolonization from this theoretical vantage point.

其实,联合国最早的成功之一,就是促进了基本上以和平方式实现非殖民化。One of the United Nations’ earliest successes, in fact, was in promoting a largely peaceful process of decolonization.

第二次世界大战结束后,民族主义和非殖民化浪潮的兴起使大英帝国的地位变得岌岌可危。After World War II, the position of the British Empire became perilous under the impact of the tide of nationalism and decolonization.

去殖民化是一个充满各种改善民生和通过大型基础设施项目实现现代化的宏伟口号的时代。Decolonization was the era of grand slogans about the advancement of peoples and modernization through massive infrastructure projects.

而传统上对“忠实”的强调又常常使得第三世界国家难以脱离被殖民化的危险。And the traditional focus on "fidelity" in translation practices always prevents the Third World countries from the total decolonization.

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由非殖民地化和回归中国而带动的政治变迁,对本港政治教育的发展似乎带来新的挑战。The political changes of decolonization and national reintegration with China pose new challenges to the development of political education.

第三、四部分系统地梳理了罗斯福为实现印度非殖民化所开展的外交实践。The third and fourth part cards systematically the diplomatic practices of Roosevelt in carrying out for realization of the Decolonization of India.

对于被殖民侵略过地区的人们来说,在政治上摆脱殖民统治之后,思想与精神方面的去殖民化,需要一个相当长的过程。It will take a long period of time for colonials to decolonize from psychological state even after they had realized decolonization in political meanings.

病原菌携带者可以进行筛选,并在术前进行治疗,可以降低关节假体周围感染的风险。Patients who are carriers can be screened and decolonization can be carried out preoperatively, potentially lowering the risk of periprosthetic joint infection.

它的性质是英国在国力衰落之下对殖民地所做的一次调整,是在当时的历史条件下为了挽救垂死的大英殖民帝国所做的挣扎。The evolvement of decolonization was, by nature, an adjustment of its colonial policy after its power had waned and a struggle to save the dying British Empire.

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阿拉伯世界的第二个突出特征,是形形色色的暴政长期和强烈的存在,这,从正式殖民化开始就一直折磨着阿拉伯世界。The second distinguishing feature of the Arab world has been the longevity and intensity of the assorted tyrannies that have preyed on it since formal decolonization.

他回到了哈佛,继续他的历史和法国文学专业,在巴黎度过了一个学期,写了一篇关于阿尔及利亚人在去殖民化过程中的城市空间的论文。He returned to Harvard, majoring in the history and literature of France, spending a semester in Paris, and writing a thesis on urban space in Algiers during decolonization.

与这些区域中的任何一个都不同的是,在这个地区,正式的殖民伴随着战后一系列实际上没有中断的帝国主义战争和干涉。Unlike any of these zones, however, formal decolonization has been accompanied by a virtually uninterrupted sequence of imperial wars and interventions in the post-colonial period.