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惆怅感是什么东西?Disconsolate what thing is feeling?

现在我们当中已经有人悲不自胜了。Now some of us were left disconsolate.

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她因儿子的死而哀伤。She was disconsolate about her son's death.

她对猫的死哀伤不已。She is disconsolate at the death of her cat.

他看上去情绪很坏,吓了她一跳。He looked so disconsolate that it scared her.

这情结因她而惆怅。This complex was disconsolate because of her.

玛丽因父亲去世而伤心难过。The death of her father left Mary disconsolate.

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我朋友郁闷地回家了。My friend went home feeling rather disconsolate.

真情可待何时,只是当时已惘然!Truth can stay, just when already disconsolate !

一一和彩虹惘然至若,继续我行我素。One by one, and to continue to do the rainbow disconsolate.

丢了工长职位的王喜惆怅万状。The Wang Xi that lost foreman position is disconsolate extremely.

可是之后萧瑟说出的话,就让两个人都信了。But disconsolate speak afterward of words, let two people all believe.

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有的人以沉默叙述迷茫和惆怅。Some people silence the narration to be confused and to be disconsolate.

三星期后,这位闷闷不乐的顾客回到那家店并想要回他的钱。After three weeks the disconsolate customer returned to the shop and asked for his money back.

不要让嫦娥的眼泪打湿我的心情,不要让秋天的萧瑟破坏我的梦想。Don't let the Charng-er's tears beat wet my mood, don't let autumn of disconsolate break my dream.

天慢慢的又灰沉下来。整个人的心情也无比惆怅起来。The day slowly ash sinks down Gives people a hard time the mood incomparably is also disconsolate.

此情可待成追忆,只是其时已惘然写出了几多暗恋的痛。Right here waiting to recall, just at that time already disconsolate write how much like of the pain.

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裘把脸贴在自己的膝头,一副烦躁不安的样子,对那个不可饶恕的约翰直挥拳头。Jo leaned her chin on her knees in a disconsolate attitude and shook her fist at the reprehensible John.

这也就是为什么在独立文化中属于中心地带的很多音乐史哀伤的,忧郁的以及痛苦的。This is why much of the music that is the heartland of indie culture is melancholic, disconsolate and miserable.

让人怅惘的是,散步美学的方法虽令人向往却无从摹仿。But what makes people disconsolate is that it is hard to imitate the method of Walking Aesthetics despite its charms.