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关注的分离。Separation of concerns.

所以没有割裂一说。So there is no separation.

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尝试暂时分开。Try a temporary separation.

这分离使神难过。That separation grieves God.

单位里两地分居的人很多呢!The unit of separation many!

基于角色的责任分离。Role-based separation of duties.

经过20度分隔。Within 20 degrees of separation.

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再也不会有分隔的感觉。There would be no sense of separation.

这保持了关注点隔离。This maintains separation of concerns.

这会导致对分离的恐惧。This may lead to a fear of separation.

所有权和管理权相分离。Separation of ownership and management.

人生就是这样子分分离离。The life is this appearance separation.

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墙可能意味着与外界的断尽。A wall may mean separation from outside.

他们连分局协议书都签好了。They have signed a separation agreement.

与朋友们分离使他伤心。Separation from his friends made him sad.

策略与实现的分离。Separation of policy from implementation.

还未分离,就已开始想念、。Not separation yet, already start to miss.

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我们将此过程称为原子站点分离。We call this process atom site separation.

与女友的分离使他很伤心。Separation from his girl-friend made him sad.

减少手术伤口愈合不良和疝形成的机会。Reduced risk of herniation or wound separation