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他们可以转售他们给别人以更高的价格。and they could resell them to someone else at a higher price.

一旦家被封死了,我们的目标是迅速转卖。Once the home is foreclosed , the goal is to resell it quickly.

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惠普将转销NET的统一通信网关作为支持微软统一通信的一个途径。HP will resell NET's UC gateway as a way to support Microsoft UC.

一旦你的宝宝长得穿不了那些衣服,你就可以把它们再作交易或转售他人。Once your baby has outgrown them, you can swap them or resell them.

我想要一些软件,我可以卖,所以我想它与经销权。I want some software that I can sell so I want it with resell rights.

如果购物者不能够按预约付款,商场可以把预约商品重新卖出去。And if shoppers couldn’t pay the layaway, the store could resell the goods.

一个偶然的机会,他把枪支转手倒卖给民间武装军队。A occasional chance, He a guns second-hand resell to commons armed force army.

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美国的通讯公司一般只想转售大品牌公司的手机。Carriers in the U.S. typically only want to resell phones from the big brands.

人们讨厌这些外来者,他们把换来的牲畜再次转卖换取了可观的利润。Some are resentful of the outsiders, who resell the livestock at a substantial profit.

雷磊回想起两个人没日没夜地试图转卖他们窃取的虚拟财产。Mr. Lei recalls the two spent every waking moment trying to resell their virtual trove.

在以往一直有兜售全部IPHONe然后高价转售的问题。There have been problems in the past of touts buying up iPhones to resell at higher prices.

通过行贿商务官员,他们在买卖国外稀缺的货物方面不断施加影响。They used influence to buy and then resell scarce foreign goods by bribing trade officials.

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公司会对服务收费,并且有现实中的市场渠道来转售它的服务。The company charges money and has a real-world market channel primed to resell its services.

恐慌不期而至时,政府必须谨慎从事,必要的话应没收私人资产用于二次出售。When panic sets in, government must step in and perhaps take over private assets and resell them.

总的来说,他们的目的是为了把征来土地重新卖给政府的新项目以快速赚取巨额资金。Generally, the intent is to resell quickly at huge markup to the government for an upcoming project.

但为了转售或安全保障,他们想要的是有证书的珠宝。But they would need to have the stones certified to be able to resell them, or for insurance purposes.

他们反过来又可以转售的这些包裹,或者你可以卖包裹,给您的慈善机构提成。They in turn can resell the packages or you can sell the packages and give a percentage to your charity.

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“如果你拥有一个有趣的地点信息,你可以应用到我们的系统中并转售它,”Stump说。"If you had an interesting location data set, you could feed into our system and resell it, " says Stump.

他们过滤掉地沟油里的食物残渣,然后将油重新卖给希望削减成本的餐馆和商贩。They sift old pieces of food from the oil and then resell it to restaurants and vendors looking to cut costs.

每天,孩子俩都会到垃圾场来找点有用的东西拿去卖钱来买吃的。Every day they searched the junkyard for something useful that they can resell for money so they can buy food.