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而在之一,罗马天主教和使徒教会。And in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

使徒著述才是他们的考虑标准。Apostolic authorship was one thing they talk about.

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我们信唯一、至圣、至公、从宗徒传下来的教会。We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.

我赐给各位宗座的遐福。To all of you I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing.

一部分门徒的培养也被看做是充满了非难和责备。Part of apostolic nurture was seen in rebuke and admonition.

两点在这方面的使徒宪法中应注意的。Two points in that of the Apostolic Constitutions should be noticed.

这本书的行为给出了一些实例使徒的教诲就这件事。The book of Acts gives a number of examples of apostolic teaching on this matter.

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换句话说,你会相信某本书是某使徒所写,如果它说的东西是你所相信的话。In other words,you believed something was apostolic if it taught stuff you believed.

那是从唯一的父到唯一的子之间的神秘等级,是使徒所继承下来的。It is a mystical estate , an apostolic succession , from only begetter to only begotten.

在教皇尼古拉斯五世建馆之初,馆内仅有350件拉丁文手稿。The Apostolic Library was started by Pope Nicholas V with an initial 350 Latin manuscripts.

勇敢的精神是使徒时代教会的特点。One of the special marks of the Holy Ghost in the Apostolic Church was the spirit of boldness.

祷告的奉献和一系列远远长于那些在使徒宪法。The Offertory prayers and the litany are much longer than those in the Apostolic Constitutions.

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“大英帝国,”斯蒂芬回答说,他的脸涨红了,“还有神圣罗马使徒公教会。”British state, Stephen answered, his colour rising, and the holy Roman catholic and apostolic church.

国防部的信仰和镇压异端基本上是一个使徒和宗座工作。The defense of the Faith and the repression of heresy is essentially an apostolic and pontifical work.

主教对应圣父,执事对应耶稣基督,而长老…他称他们为使徒议员。The bishop,is the Father,the deacons are Jesus Christ, and the presbyters--he calls them an apostolic council.

晚清时期,圣母圣心会在西南蒙古教区获得了迅猛的发展。The CICM Mission developed rapidly in the Apostolic Vicariate of Southwest Mongolia during the late Qing Dynasty.

“大英帝国,”斯蒂芬回答说,他的脸涨红了,“还有神圣罗马使徒公教会。”The imperial British state, Stephen answered, his colour rising, and the holy Roman catholic and apostolic church.

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这是为提高防范艾滋病意识做的广告,就张贴在教堂粉色倒挂金钟的一边。The sign is an advertisement for AIDS awareness which is posted on the side of the Apostolic Church, fuchsia pink.

教皇还对“某个”教区、神学院和叫职人员安排了一个“宗坐探视”。The pope ordered what is known as an "apostolic visitation" of "certain" dioceses, seminaries and religious orders.

在到达中国在1864年年底,创始人泰奥菲勒韦尔比斯特接替遣使的代牧区。Arriving in China at the end of 1864, founder Theophile Verbist took over the Vicariate Apostolic from the Lazarists.