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什么是流动性?What is liquidity?

第三点是流动性The third thing is liquidity.

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客户目前更为重视流动性.他们不希望被迫在不对的时间出脱资产.Clients are much more aware of liquidity now.

流动性的缺乏正让这些顿挫得到强化。The lack of liquidity is amplifying these moves.

但好日子不长了,资金源已经接近枯竭。But this source of liquidity may be near exhausted.

强制银行流动性过多,将会遏制银行信贷。Forcing too much liquidity on banks stifles credit.

但在中国,流动性的影响同样重要。But as important in China is the impact of liquidity.

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除了信贷政策,货泉的流动性也呈现压缩的情形。In addition to credit policy, liquidity is tightening.

我们增加了二级债券市场的流动性。We increase the liquidity of the secondary bond market.

最后,市场资金面流动性充足。Finally, the market liquidity of sufficient funds noodle.

如果确有需要,我们将采取措施注入更多流动性。Steps will be taken to infuse more liquidity if required.

过多流动性在任何市场都可能导致投机行为。Too much liquidity in any market can lead to speculation.

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但是,流动性很快消失,在人们最需要它的时候。But liquidity is quick to disappear when you need it most.

于是仅就这一指标来看,国债的流动性又不及相同期限的金融债。So the financial bond's liquidity is better in this sense.

美国的债务几乎是自由流动性,所以借走了。Debt in the US is practically free liquidity so borrow away.

他说,”流动性陷阱并非我辈所愿。“It is our intention not to be in a liquidity trap”, he said.

折旧及摊销不应被视为衡量我们的流动资金。EBITDA should not be considered as a measure of our liquidity.

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固定价格的支付集中于一月份欧洲三港DES合同。Fixed price liquidity focused on the January DES ARA contract.

被禁止卖空的股票流动性下降,买卖差价增加。Liquidity in banned shares is down and bid-ask spreads are up.

现在银行在向经济强制注入流动性。Right now, banks are force-feeding the economy with liquidity.