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我在开玩笑,格雷西。I’m kidding, Gracie.

“我有个儿子,”格雷西说。"I had a son, " Gracie said.

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我给你讲个故事好吗格雷丝?I'll try and tell you a story, eh, Gracie ?

他们生有一个五岁的女儿,名叫格雷西。They have one child, 5-year-old daughter Gracie.

“这是我打电话的第二个理由,”格雷西说。"That’s the second reason I’m calling, " Gracie said.

而在宴会前一天,小格雷西还做了一天的水疗。Gracie was even treated to a day of spa treatments the day before the party.

当他们玩得正开心的时候,萨姆的妈妈、简的爸爸和格雷西姨母都来了。And while they´re having fun, Sam´s mom, Jan´s dad and Aunt Gracie all arrive.

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在纽约,蒋夫人居住在曼哈顿格蕾丝广场的一套住宅中。In New York, Madame Chiang lived in an apartment on Gracie Square in Manhattan.

就在格雷西出生的前几周,约旦还在备考普通中等教育证书,但他说自己很清楚自己的责任。Jordan, who sat his final GCSE just weeks before Gracie arrived, said he understands responsibility.

Gracie出生一周后,Tia与亲朋好友一起在病房中庆祝了她15岁的生日。A week after Gracie was born Tia celebrated her 15th birthday in the ward surrounded by friends and family.

年长的格蕾西?鲍维斯也来自圣地亚哥,将在中国做一年的志愿工作。Gracie Bowers was also from San Diego, an older woman who was volunteering her services to the mission for a year.

格雷西是一只既聋又有点瞎的身体脆弱的,并且倾向于相信一些小小奇迹的白化变种大丹狗,。Gracie was a deaf and partially blind albino Great Dane with a delicate constitution and a penchant for small miracles.

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然而,护士们把年轻的爷爷错认为是Gracie的父亲,感觉相当尴尬。However, nurses at the maternity unit were left embarrassed after they thought the young grandfather was in fact the teenage father of Gracie.

第一次节目是在市长府邸格雷西公寓拍摄的,但是那一次拍摄引起了地毯起火,几年之后,市长对重拍警觉起来,因此,现在大家看到的场景是在加利福尼亚拍摄的。The original film was shot at Gracie Mansion, but a carpet fire during the first filming made the mayor wary of a reshoot a few years later, so the loop seen now was filmed in California.

最后他终于把这个小毛球从床下赶出来,并看到牠的项圈上有饲主的名字和电话,而对方一直发狂似地在寻找他们心爱的「葛瑞西.梅」。He eventually got the furry pet from under the bed. Carter noticed her collar featured the name and phone number of her owners. They had been frantically looking for their beloved "Gracie Mae."