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哈利斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。Harris went on top in the last lap.

哈里斯夫人居住在一个小村庄里。Mrs Harris lives in a small village.

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把自己假装成德文-哈里斯一分钟。Pretend you're Devin Harris for a minute.

哈里斯和安妮真是天生一对。Harris and Anne are perfect for each other.

哈里斯又来了一股劲,继续谈下去。Harris went on with a small spurt of energy.

哈里斯先生说他当时每餐都在军营里面吃。Mr. Harris said he ate every meal on the base.

哈里斯拿掉了这个装置,并用脚踩碎在地上。Harris removes it and smashes it on the ground.

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如果你认为哈里斯已经死了,那你就要倒大霉了。You'll be hoodooed if you think Harris is dead.

但是哈里斯说康普顿被捕同样是不公平的。But Harris said Compton'sarrest is equally unfair.

哈里斯醒来发现梅威瑟正站在她的面前。Harris awoke to find Mayweather standing over her.

哈里斯先生的机智和尖刻不输给任何作者。Mr Harris is as witty and cutting a writer as any.

喂?我叫汤姆哈利斯。请问亚当在吗?Hello ? My name 's Tom Harris. Is Adam there, please?

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布兰克先生和哈里斯先生被警告有关火灾。Mr. Blanck and Mr. Harris were warned about the fire.

哈里斯和贝特夫人,还有其他三个老师在那里。Harris and Mrs. Bate and three other teachers were there.

哈里斯先生希望可以和酒井先生安排一次会议。Mr. Harris would like to arrange a meeting with Mr. Sakai.

我叫了一声,跳下床,叫醒哈里斯,告诉他快九点了。I cried, and I jumped out of bed. I woke Harris and told him.

弗兰克·哈里斯被邀请到英国所有的大家门第作客——惟只一次。Frank harris is invited to all the great houses in england-once.

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在3月11日至3月18日期间,哈里斯公司在网上调查了2513名美国成年人。Harris surveyed 2,513 U.S. adults online between March 11 and 18.

但哈里斯和科利鲍策划了一年而且梦想达到更大的目标。But Harris and Klebold planned for a year and dreamed much bigger.

当他们来到水闸时,哈里斯已是汗流浃背,骂不绝口。Harris was sweating and cursing by the time they reached the lock.