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时尚创詧斖是为了使之过时。Fashion is made to become unfashionable.

他表示,刻意不赶时髦是巴克莱资本的典型风格。It is typical of BarCap, he says, to try to be unfashionable.

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对称在某些领域并不适宜了,这是对过度使用的反应。Symmetry is unfashionable in some fields now, in reaction to excesses in the past.

每天都有人气新鲜货哈烧登场,在本店严禁不流行的商品出现。There are hot new arrivals every day and unfashionable goods are prohibited in our shop.

巴杰特说起这种蒸馏效应,旨在试探性地发展一个并不受欢迎的观点。Bagehot mentions this distillatory effect in order tentatively to advance an unfashionable view.

正如他们的绰号一样,这些穴居人来自英国较为落后的北部。Such troglodytes, as their nickname suggests, often come from unfashionable parts of the country.

可悲的是,自从卢梭之后的两个世纪里,自然法则不再流行。Sadly, natural-law thinking became unfashionable in the two centuries after Jean Jacques Rousseau.

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这个被一所非主流学校培养、教育出的新教徒,在剑桥大学表现平平A non-conformist by upbringing, educated at an unfashionable school, with a modest degree from Cambridge

这个被一所非主流学校培养、教育出的新教徒,在剑桥大学表现平平。A non-conformist by upbringing, educated at an unfashionable school, with a modest degree from Cambridge.

带着大黑边眼镜,穿着很不合时宜的衣服的一个丑女形象。Wearing big black-framed glasses and dressed in ostentatiously unfashionable clothes, she is an ugly girl.

但是选美大赛在英国已经不时髦了,对大部分人来说就像鞠躬一样过时了。But, in Britain, beauty competitions are unfashionable. To most people, beauty contests seem as out-dated as bowing.

有些女生担心禁止穿裙子会让她们夏天太热,而有些则说裤子不时髦,不像女性。Some girls fear a skirt ban would leave them too hot in the summer, while others say trousers would be unfashionable and unfeminine.

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这本身就是一种机会,因为鞋子在穿坏之前就会变得不流行了,这也就意味着消费者需要换新鞋。This creates its own opportunities, since product could become unfashionable before it wears out i.e. consumers need to replace shoes.

在古老银河系的螺旋状西臂末端,任何地图都还没标示过的蛮荒地带,有个丝毫不引人注目的小小黄色恒星。Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.

作为一名学者,不论我的结论多么不受欢迎,但讲真话、解释摆在我们眼前的科学证据是我的职责。As an academic, it's my job to tell the truth, to explain the scientific evidence before us, irrespective of how unfashionable my conclusions are.

从英国港市加的夫到德国我换乘了三次火车,俄国火车与这三列火车相比,是一位年代久远且不合时宜的远亲。Compared to the three previous trains that had whisked me from Cardiff to Germany, the Russian train was a distant, aged and unfashionable relative.

在空阔的天地里行驶,我在自己身上揭示出一种不合潮流的对于西班牙征服者的钦慕。And, riding alone across those vast spaces, uncovered within myself an unfashionable admiration for those scant bands of Spaniards, the Conquistadors.

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她的衣着虽不华丽,但仪态高贵。在姐妹们心目中,这位身披灰色外套,头戴一顶过时无边小圆软帽的女士是普天下最出色的母亲。She was not elegantly dressed, but a noble-looking woman, and the girls thought the gray cloak and unfashionable bonnet covered the most splendid mother in the world.

阿纳特受摄影家沃尔克.埃文斯、奥古斯特.桑德和戴安.阿勃斯的启发,在纪实摄影尚未流行时,已开始探索这形式。Inspired by the photography of Walker Evans, August Sander and Diane Arbus, Arnatt began to explore the documentary photographic form at a time when it was an unfashionable medium.