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备齐所有洗衣用具。Keep all of your laundry paraphernalia together.

他于是到印度置办乐器和各种用具。He had come to India to get instruments and other paraphernalia.

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这些组织采用纳粹行头,尊崇纳粹教义,并且强烈反华。They have adopted Nazi paraphernalia and dogma, and are vehemently anti-Chinese.

别去美术馆,去那些收纳有趣和古怪随身品的博物馆吧。Skip the art museum, and head to the halls filled with quirky and fun paraphernalia.

贝斯是个运动迷,她的墙上挂满了棒球用具。Beth is such an avid sports fan that her walls are covered with baseball paraphernalia.

他每年要坐飞机两到三次去东京购买最新动漫用品。He flies to Tokyo two to three times a year for the newest anime-related paraphernalia.

当然,也有商人在卖绳子、马勒以及其它必须的配件。Of course there were also traders selling ropes and bridles and other necessary paraphernalia.

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父子俩会头戴巨人队帽子,在巨人队的装饰物下,喝着巨人队杯子装的饮料。They would wear Giants caps and drink from Giantsglasses in the midst of Giants paraphernalia.

它包含1000多种字形,它受到了经典运动装备所用字体的启示。It includes more than 1000 glyphs, and was inspired by the fonts used in classic sports paraphernalia.

2000年,由于旗下拍卖网站出售纳粹相关物品,法国的一个犹太团体对雅虎进行起诉。In 2000, a French Jewish group sued Yahoo forallowing Nazi paraphernalia to be sold on its auction site.

俄亥俄克利夫兰西湖郊区的一名警察在给一辆超速行驶的汽车开罚单时,发现车内藏有吸毒工具,于是车中的两名男子遭到拘捕。About to write a ticket, the cop noticed some drug paraphernalia in the car and arrested the two men inside.

各类专业扫描仪,探头和其他用具都已精心布置完毕,只等开始。An assortment of specialist scanners, probes and other paraphernalia are carefully laid out, ready for action.

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对于所有的妖娆女人和烟瘾来说,竹子也是吸烟工具的一种。For all you femme fatales and tobacco aficionados out there, bamboo plays are role in smoking paraphernalia too.

把家里、车上、钱包里与香烟相关的物件都拿掉。做到吸烟越来越麻烦才行。Get rid of all the smoking paraphernalia in the house, your car and your purse. Make it more and more inconvenient to smoke.

美国勘探者在边境就驻足不前了,他们要不灌酒,要不赌博,要不就是被加拿大皇家骑警没收了枪支。American prospectors were stopped at the border and had their liquor, gambling paraphernalia and firearms confiscated by the Mounties.

包括所有的吸烟用具,剩下的香烟,火柴,打火机,烟灰缸,有烟的人,甚至在你车上的打火机。That includes all smoking paraphernalia -- leftover cigarettes, matches, lighters, ashtrays, cigarette holders, even the lighter in your car.

备齐所有洗衣用具。包括洗涤液,去污剂,软化剂,衣架以及其他配套设施。Keep all of your laundry paraphernalia together. Detergents, stain removers, softeners, hangers and other accessories should all be within reach.

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她好心地把那些东在一份杂志下面,杂志的封面上是一间厨房的大照片。She knew about my fear of needles, and she kindly hid the paraphernalia under a magazine with a bright blue picture of a kitchen being remodeled.

据新华社报道,出土的随葬品数量、种类较多,有陶瓷、青铜器和珠宝。Lots of funeral paraphernalia including pottery, bronze wares and jewelry were found in the tombs, state-run Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday.

滑雪橇、帐篷杆、鱼杆和其它随身的小器具可以经过侧袋的通道滑动,这是个异乎寻常的零碎,对我们来说十分有用。Skis, tent poles, fishing rods, and other skinny paraphernalia slide through tunnels in the side pockets, an unusual system that worked well for us.