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英国的人怎么看待艾米•怀恩豪斯?What do people in the UK think about Amy Winehouse?

怀恩豪斯在周末有个大计划,毛里斯说。Winehouse had "big plans for the weekend, " said Morris.

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艾米·怀恩豪斯所遭受的大概也是这种悲惨的历程。This sad journey is likely what happened to Amy Winehouse.

各政党在城各拥有其专用的旅馆和酒厅。Each political party has its own hotel and winehouse in town.

但是,让艾米·怀恩豪斯的离世再一次为我们敲响警钟吧。But let the death of Amy Winehouse once again sound the warning bell.

然而,不久之后,Winehouse取消了她的北美巡演。Not long afterward, though, Winehouse canceled her North American tour.

在一项调查外,艾米·怀恩豪斯被英国年轻一代选为心目外的女偶像。Amy Winehouse has been voted the ultimate heroine by UK youngsters in a poll.

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但是,罗密特说,她拒绝任何一种心理疗法。But Winehouse was "opposed to any sort of psychological therapy", said Romete.

英国天空新闻电视台援引消息称,怀恩豪斯可能死于毒品服用过量。Sky News quoted a source saying Winehouse might have died from a drug overdose.

七月份我们在报道怀恩时播放过这张专辑中的另一首歌。We played another song from that album when we reported about Winehouse in June.

裘德·洛获最佳男演员奖,艾米·沃恩豪斯则获最佳英国音乐表演奖。The best actor award went to Jude Law and Amy Winehouse won best British music act.

但豪斯从来没有一个打包的童星,始终抗拒被束之高阁。But Winehouse was never a packaged teen star, and always resisted being pigeonholed.

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因此,我很担心在艾米核心社交圈里,某些人会有意无意地诱导她。I fear, that as a result, some of those people in Amy’s inner circle enabled Amy Winehouse.

变身成清醒的艾米·怀恩豪斯后,她的品牌、形象、演唱会、言行举止都将大变。Her brand, image, concerts, demeanor would be significantly shifted as a sober Amy Winehouse.

怀恩豪斯告诉她,从7月3日开始就没再喝过酒,但是从20日起又开始喝了。Winehouse had told her she had not had a drink since 3 July, but had started again on 20 July.

艾米·怀恩豪斯,愿你安息。也愿所有我们痛失的、与你同病相怜的灵魂安息。Rest in peace Amy Winehouse. And all those souls we have lost before you.The Power of Addiction

乐高以各个名人为原型创造了一系列的人型娃娃,其中之一就是歌手艾米·怀恩豪斯。Lego has created a whole line of figures based on celebrities and one among them is of singer Amy Winehouse.

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Winehouse的父亲是出租车司机,母亲是药剂师,她成长于伦敦北部的Southgate地区。Born to a taxi-driving father and pharmacist mother, Winehouse grew up in the Southgate area of northern London.

2008年,在曼哈顿的西区,我在海莱恩宴会厅看了一次艾米·怀恩豪斯的现场,仅此一次。I saw Amy Winehouse play live only once, at the Highline Ballroom, on the lower west side of Manhattan, in 2008.

在7月22日那天,正值周五晚上,也就是怀恩豪斯死前的一天,她俩见过面,说她当时微微有点醉。She had seen Winehouse on the evening of Friday 22 July, the day before her death, and described her as "tipsy".