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哎,怎么引枯燥的生活!Ah, how unrelieved boring life would be!

啊,老是这样人的生活将变患上何等寡味无聊!ah, how unrelieved boring life would be!

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抑郁是没有得到释放的压力长期积压的结果。Depression is often the result of long periods of stress that have gone unrelieved.

他一个月一个月挨过去,一种新的恐惧侵入了他的单调不堪的生活和工作。As the months dragged by a new fear cut into the unrelieved drabness of his life and work.

四下里光秃秃的,满目荒凉,除了苍茫的大海和岩石,看不见一棵树,也没有草地和沙滩。It was a bleak, harsh view, the sea and the rock unrelieved by any tree or sweep of grass or sand.

尽管臭虫的叮咬会让人奇痒无比,但他们只吸吮血液,并不留病原体。Although their bites can cause unrelieved itchiness, bedbugs take only blood and leave no pathogens behind.

而种种原因造成的不必要的、未予缓解的人类痛苦则需要我们采取行动。But unnecessary, unrelieved human suffering, for whatever the reason, must likewise compel us to take action.

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感谢你让大家开始关注因石棉致病的人和他们所遭受的疼痛。Thank you for bringing attention to the problem of unrelieved pain and suffering in asbestos related diseases.

结果共发放问卷350份,收回有偿解除劳务合同职工组有效问卷196份,在职职工组148份。Results The dispensed questionnaires were 350, the recalled of relieved workers 196 and of unrelieved ones 148.

骨水泥在椎体中不稳定的骨折部位填充的缺少或不足可能是导致首次PV术后疼痛不能缓解的原因。Absent or inadequate filling of cement in the unstable fractured areas of the vertebral body may be responsible for the unrelieved pain after the initial PV.

可是,到了早晨,她受到家务的骚扰,而赫斯渥则坐在那里,俨然一个累赘,这时她的命运还是显得凄惨而沉重。Still, in the morning, when her household duties would infringe upon her and Hurstwood sat there, a perfect load to contemplate, her fate seemed dismal and unrelieved.

尽管有很好的安宁缓和疗护,有一些末期病人仍会经历难以忍受无法缓解的疼痛与其他难治疗的症状。Despite very good hospice palliative care, some terminally ill patients still continue to experience intolerable, unrelieved pain and suffering from refractory symptoms.