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以色列祖先的迦南根源是非常清楚的。The Canaanite roots of Israel's ancestors are clear.

而且神庙中还有“为巴力所造的器皿”,巴力是迦南人的神。And there were "vessels made for Baal," the Canaanite God.

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他说,“不要为我儿子娶这迦南地中的女子为妻。He said, "Don't get a wife for my son from the Canaanite girls.

希伯来语本身就是迦南的,是迦南方言。The Hebrew language itself is essentially Canaanite, a Canaanite dialect.

大胆地说,族长们似乎曾经崇拜迦南的上帝。To be blunt, El the patriarchs seem to have worshiped the Canaanite God, El.

这样的行为是因为他们崇拜迦南人的假神造成的。This would have been the practice of the false worship of the Canaanite gods.

迦南的上帝El,在圣经文本中看,是以色列最早的祖先们的上帝。The Canaanite god El was, from the biblical text, the God of Israel's earliest ancestors.

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于是,亚设因为没有赶出那地的迦南人,就住在他们中间。and because of this the people of Asher lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land.

一个古老的迦南镇,它是圣经所描述的雅各布的家和撒马利亚的主要城市。An ancient Canaanite town, it was the biblical home of Jacob and the chief city of Samaria.

当然,以色列的纯洁的行为,根植于古近东和迦南地区。And certainly, there are Ancient Near Eastern and Canaanite roots for Israelite purity practices.

有一个迦南妇人,从那地方出来,喊着说,主啊,大卫的子孙,可怜我。A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!

住在迦南南地的迦南人亚拉得王,听说以色列人来了。The Canaanite king of Arad, who lived in the Negev of Canaan, heard that the Israelites were coming.

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这有惊人的相似性,在圣经中先祖的上帝与迦南上帝El之间。There are striking resemblances between the biblical gods of the Patriarchs and the Canaanite god El.

一个古老的迦南镇,它是圣经所描述的雅各布的家和撒马利亚的主要城市。An ancient Canaanite town, it was the biblical home of Jacob and the chief city of Samaria. Population, 64,000.

以色列人的势力日渐强盛,胜过迦南王耶宾,终于把迦南王耶宾除灭。And the hand of the Israelites grew stronger and stronger against Jabin, the Canaanite king, until they destroyed him.

事实上,她是耶利哥之役的一位女英雄,如果不是迦南妇女,是妓女或者更甚,叫哈布。Indeed, who was one the heroines of the Battle of Jericho, if not a Canaanite woman, a prostitute no less, named Rahab.

那天,我们消灭了迦南国王耶宾,我和黛博拉唱起了胜利之歌,并由衷赞颂上帝。Then we destroyedJabin the Canaanite king that day and me and Deborah sang a songabout the victory and we praised the Lord!

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亚伯兰经过那地,到了示剑地方,摩利橡树那里。那时迦南人住在那地。And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.

正当拿布集合他的迦南追随者去捕获太空船发射降落场,伟大的安奴那其批准使用核武器。As Nabu marshals his Canaanite followers to capture the Spaceport, the Great Anunnaki approve of the use of nuclear weapons.

先前埃及王法老上来攻取基色,用火焚烧,杀了城内居住的迦南人,将城赐给他女儿所罗门的妻作妆奁。He had set it on fire. He killed its Canaanite inhabitants and then gave it as a wedding gift to his daughter, Solomon's wife.