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这种艰苦的工作削弱了我的锐气。This hard work has drained away my keenness.

这些形容词都表达具有或显示出思维的快捷性。These adjectives mean having or showing mental keenness.

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具有或显示出敏锐的洞察力、理解力和直觉。Having or showing keenness of insight, understanding, or intuition.

剃刀为自己的锋利骄傲,于是对太阳冷笑。The razor-blade is proud of its keenness when it sneers at the sun.

剑鞘保护剑的锋利,自己却螨足于它自己的迟钝。The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the word.

剑鞘甘愿粗钝,它保护着利剑的锋刃。The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the Keenness of the sword.

刀鞘保护刀的锋利,它自己则满足于它的迟钝。The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword.

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剑鞘保护着剑的锋利,却满足于它自己的迟钝。The scabbard is content to the dull when it protects the keenness of the word.

⊙、刀鞘保护刀的锋利,它自己则满足于它的迟钝。The scabbard, protects the keenness of the sword itself is content to be dull.

刀鞘庇护刀的尖锐,它本身则知足于它的痴钝。the scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword.

他们很自信,并且热衷于通过言行、衣着塑造自己的男性形象。They are men with self confidence and a keenness to look, behave and dress like men.

中邦的精度高,切割速度快,对锋利,耐用,功能等。Zhongbang's high precision and fast speed of cutting , features of keenness and hard wearing, ect.

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这些鲜明的形象充满想象,不仅如此,张玉瀛的敏锐与对艺术的挚爱使其远远脱离了符号的羁绊。Moreover his keenness and the devotion to the art make it far away from the soler fetter of the symbol.

本产品采用超细颗粒钨钢材料,具有硬度高,刀刃锋利,使用寿命长等特点。Using ultra-thin granular tungsten steel, this product also features with high hardness, keenness and long life.

这些形容词用以表示思想、表达或才智的尖锐有力时是同义词。These adjectives are synonymous when they refer to keenness and forcefulness of thought, expression, or intellect.

本产品采用超细颗粒钨钢材料,具有硬度高,刀刃锋利,使用寿命长等特点。Employing ultra-fine granular tungsten steel, this product features with high hardness, keenness and long life, etc.

其中一个特征就是她极力的避免让人去猜测她可能在下次大选中,与绿党组成联合政府。One signal is her keenness to dampen speculation about a possible coalition with the Greens after the next election.

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它帮助人们获得心灵的安宁,更多的健康,对于生活更加敏锐,并获得一种不断增加的内在幸福感。It helps in more peace of mind, better health, more keenness for life, and an ever-growing sense of internal well-being.

我到英格兰时,真正听过一些爱尔兰歌曲的演唱,也学会了一些,但是这反而终止了我继续学习的热情。When I went to England I did hear some of the Irish Melodies sung, and learnt them too, but that put an end to my keenness to learn more.

这反应了中国通过所有可能的方法改善国家和让国家变得更紧密的热切程度,这是印度迄今所不能够展示的。It reflects a degree of keenness to improve, to bring the nation closer together in every possible way, which India has so far been unable to show.