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然后将这些镰刀放在尚未割的秣草前面。Then put them before the uncut hay.

我们也接受未切割的钻石和金币。We accept uncut diamonds and gold ingots , too.

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这颗尚未切割的钻石比一只高尔夫球还要大三分之一。The uncut diamond is a third bigger than a golf ball.

现在它对于我更像是美丽而缺少修剪的墓地上的发丝。And now it seems to me the beautiful uncut hair of graves.

最令人吃惊的设计珠宝的是,石头完全完整无缺的永恒之金。The most surprising Design Jewelry is that the stones are totally uncut Aion gold.

如果恰巧碰见一个外国人跟他上床了,不要惊奇他没进行割礼。If you meet a really hot foreign guy and end up in bed together, don’t be surprised if he’s uncut.

洪涛,其中的一位评委,说道这个比赛目的是是“寻找到需要一点雕琢的可造之材。”Hong Tao, a judge, said that the show aims to "discover uncut jades that will shine with a bit of polishing. ""

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注意到载红木溪之一,旧金山湾区的最后两类看台古老的红木。Noting that Redwood Creek contained one of the San Francisco Bay Area's last uncut stands of old-growth redwood.

去年,号称新加坡最大胆性爱电影的短片“Hush”获准一刀不剪完整播出。Last year, 'Hush, ' a short film touted as the 'most erotic movie ever made in Singapore, ' was allowed to screen uncut.

一个未加修饰的深度放克之夜,融合了底特律重踩、现代感和电子放克旅行在内。A night of raw uncut deep funk, rowdy afro beat to smooth soul, with Motown stompers and modern and electronic funk excursions.

温雅经典,浪漫温馨的卫浴空间,赋予了生命返璞归真的自然质感。Wen Ya is classical, romance defends bath space sweetly, gifted life returns uncut jade to return to feel naturally really character.

时有恒先生所藏新文学运动时期现代版图书中的毛边书共有50余种,均具有很强的史料价值。There are more then 50 kinds of uncut books during the period of the New Culture Movement, which have very important historical value.

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而洛斯也避开蓬乱的疯长的灌木的羁绊和顶刺,大踏步穿过潮湿未割的草地朝他的汽车方向走去。While Ross was striding over the damp, uncut grass in the direction of his car, dodging the pricking grasp of wild, unkempt japonicas.

最小切削厚度是微切削中产生切屑必须超过的切削厚度的临界值。In micro-cutting, a chip will not be generated if the uncut chip thickness is less than a critical value, viz, the minimum chip thickness.

这段录像原来由巴基斯坦一个电视台一刀未剪播出,手无寸铁的沙阿在录像中被射杀,倒在街上哀嚎,最后失血过多致死。The video originally aired uncut on Pakistani TV showing an unarmed Shah being shot and falling down in the street bleeding to death and screaming.

解决的办法是这些作家们不能仅仅只卖电子书,他们还要卖未删节的版本,笔记、短篇小说、有声版本,文选等等。The solution for authors is to sell more than just the book. They sell the uncut version, or the notes, the shorts, an audio version, an anthology, etc.

一些林产公司通过森林管理措施,包括保护更多的树木、河床复位和减少有害的公路建设。Some forestry companies use forest management practices that allow more trees to remain uncut and include streambed restoration and less harmful road-building.

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同时,公告还要求中国的电视网站、视频网站、以及电视名称不能以带有“完整版”、“未删减版”、“被删片段”等。The circular asked Chinese TV networks, video websites, and TV production entities not to hype the so-called "full versions", "uncut versions" or "deleted scenes".

这段录像原来由巴基斯坦一个电视台一刀未剪播出,手无寸铁的沙阿在录像中被射杀,倒在街上哀嚎,最后失血过多致死。What video showed The video originally aired uncut on Pakistani TV showing an unarmed Shah being shot and falling down in the street bleeding to death and screaming.

这不仅提高了性爱的乐趣,也是更卫生的做法,对女性的某些部位来说,肮脏的手和没修剪的指甲都太过敏感了。It not only boosts the pleasure of lovemaking, but is also the most hygienic way out, for there are parts of a woman's body that are sensitive to grubby fingers or uncut nails.