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这是我未婚夫。This is my fiance.

我应该把这些告诉我的未婚夫么?Do I tell my fiancé?

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一个未婚夫和未婚妻。A fiance and fiancee.

她的未婚夫是个独眼龙。Her fiance is a one-eyed man.

她和未婚夫都很害怕。She and her fiance were spooked.

珍丽佛的未婚夫给她买了座房子。Jenifer's fiance bought her a house.

马克教授,这是我的未婚夫麦克。Professor Mark, this is my fiancé mike.

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那么,朱丽倩是他的女朋友,未婚妻还是妻子?So, is Chu his girlfriend, fiance or wife?

是布莱尔的未婚夫路易斯王子还是秘密情人查克?Was it her fiancé Louis or her secret-lover Chuck?

但是我不想成为未婚夫是同性恋患者的那个女人。Then I didn’t want to be The Woman Whose Fiance Was Gay.

你和你的未婚夫开车穿过一个城市。You and your fiance are driving around through the city.

她现正计划与她的未婚夫弥敦道明年结婚。She is now planning to marry her fiance Nathan next year.

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这些蛋是她被要求为她的未婚夫被绑架勒索而偷的赎金。The eggs were demanded as ransom for her kidnapped fiancé.

Julian和他的未婚妻以及孩子们生活在英国萨里。Julian lives with his fiance and their children in Surrey, UK.

张的未婚夫据说是46岁的片子导演王全安。Her fiance is said to be 46-year-old film director Wang Quan'an.

我父亲送给我妹妹的未婚夫一辆汽车作为嫁妆。My father portioned the car to my sister's fiance for the dowry.

一天晚上,突然间我未婚夫向我声称自己是个同性恋者。One night, out of the clear blue, my fiance announced he was gay.

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当他们的私家侦探去找德牧对质时,那个“未婚夫”采用回避的态度。When their investigator confronted him, the "fiance" stonewalled.

苏和她的未婚夫计划骑自行车环游世界。Sue and her fiancé are planning a tour around the world by bicycle.

今天,我接到一个电话说我的已婚妇被收进了抢救室。Today, I got a call from the hospital that my fiance was in the ER.