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悲伤即是如此。So is grief.

却又暗涌悲伤。Grief in the dark.

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由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切。So Eden sank to grief.

谁能对不幸一笑了之?Who can smile at grief?

她因悲伤而茫然失措。She was numb with grief.

他试图抑制自己的悲伤。He tried to dam his grief.

画画或拼图你的悲痛。Draw or collage your grief.

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时光的流逝治愈了他的悲哀。Time cured him of his grief.

悲伤使她变得迟钝麻木了。Grief has blunted her senses.

他悲痛不已。He was prostrated with grief.

悲伤使她精神失常。Her mind was turned by grief.

汹涌的大海吞没了那艘小机帆船。A wave of grief engulfed them.

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他的脸上露出悲痛的表情。His face is marked with grief.

遗憾和伤心会毁了你。Pity and grief will destory u.

她因悲伤而发疯。She has gone crazy from grief.

时间治愈悲伤,宁息争吵。Time heals grief and quarrels.

悲痛是正常而不需治疗的。Grief is normal and should not.

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无泪的悲伤是内心在泣血。Tearless grief bleeds inwardly.

悲痛有五个阶段。There are five stages of grief.

时间能安抚极度的悲痛。Time tames the strongest grief.