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非常相关的问题。Closely related question.

他详细地查问了这事。He inquired closely about it.

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让我们更紧密地团结起来。Let’s unite still more closely.

我们紧密地联合在一起。We are banded together closely.

你们必需要学着仔细地阅读。You must learn to read closely.

尺和度是息息相关的。And the ruler is closely linked.

与信任密切相关的是证明。Closely related to trust is proof.

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米克长得很象他的父亲。Mick closely resembled his father.

她凑得很近地听他念。She listened closely while he read.

全国人民团结紧。The whole nation is closely united.

他紧紧盯住他们的前锋。He is marking their forward closely.

现在琼斯正紧钉着皮克森。Now, Jones is marking Pixon closely.

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烯空气跟空气十分近似。Olefin gas closely approximates air.

我赞成要紧密配合学校的教育。I agree to work closely with schools.

亨德拉病毒与尼帕病毒密切相关。It is closely related to Nipah virus.

现在托马斯正紧盯着皮克森。Now, Thomas is marking Pixon closely.

味觉和嗅觉是密切相关的。Taste and smell are closely connected.

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请调大音量仔细聆听。Turn up the volume and listen closely.

与本地供应商密切合作。Working closely with sub-suppliers to.

他非常周密地分析了形势。He analysed the situation very closely.