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幕间休息时有咖啡供应。Coffee was served during the intermission.

螺旋钻在一刻不停地挥舞着。Drills were set to work without intermission.

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而间歇期血管恢复正常。And the vessel return to normal in intermission.

幕间休息后,小提琴家继续演奏。The violinist resumed playing after intermission.

幕间休息之后,那小提琴手又重新开始演奏。The violinist resumed playing after the intermission.

剧院幕间休息时丈夫买了一杯啤酒。The husband bought a glass of beer at theatre intermission.

所以决定明天晚上在宴会上宣布。So it’s to be announced tomorrow night at the supper intermission.

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本地企业会送给我一些商品让我在幕间的时候拍卖。Local businesses donated items for me to auction off at intermission.

依据残余尿量多少进行间歇导尿。Intermission urethral catheterization was done according to residual urine.

因此,机器的砰砰声、圆筒的嗡嗡声和麦草的沙沙声,继续不断地响着,工人也比平常更少有停下来的时候了。Hence the twanging and humming and rustling proceeded with even less intermission than usual.

音乐会中场特设鸡尾酒会,持有嘉宾票的观众可凭票参加。Cocktail reception is served for guests with VIP tickets during the intermission of the concert.

一个人不可强给自己加上一种不断的继续的习惯,而应当稍有间歇。Lett not a man force a habit upon himself, with perpetual continuance, but with some intermission.

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在第一与第二次行动之间的间隔中,我们有一次买饮料的机会。During the intermission between the first and second acts, you will have a chance to purchase refreshments.

在第一幕与第二幕之间的休息时间,你就有机会去买点心了。During the intermission between the first and second acts, you will have a chance to purchase refreshments.

昨晚我们去听音乐会了。知道我们啥时候到的么?刚好赶上幕间休息大伙纷纷出来透口气的时候。Last night we went to a concert. Do you know what time we got there? Just in time to go out for the intermission.

其主要毒副作用为骨髓抑制,但绝大部分病例经过间歇期后均能恢复。The side effect of the regimens was arrest of bone marrow, but mostly ofthe patients recovered after intermission.

幕间休息时,家里几位好友提议,要我陪他们坐到楼下第二排去。When intermission came some friends of the family suggested that I sit down in the second row orchestra with them.

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第十八条播放广播电视广告应当保持广播电视节目的完整性,除在节目自然段的间歇外,不得随意插播广告。Article 18 Integrity of programs should be kept, and should not be broken by advertisements except for intermission.

目的探讨肿瘤患者化疗间歇期留置PICC的社区护理效果及其可行性。Conclusion Community nursing for tumor patients with PICC at the intermission of chemotherapy is safe and practicable.

此次系列的色彩鲜艳且极端,其灵感来自电视荧屏无信号时的状态。The colours in this collection are bright and polarised, taking their cue from off-air intermission television screens.