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经常梦想逃到天涯海角吗?Always dreamed of being a castaway?

像我这样一个被遗弃的人,还有谁在乎她的容貌啊!Who cares about the looks of a castaway like me!

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每看到一次电视里播放的漂流者事迹,情况就会更糟。Every time another episode of Castaway was aired, it got worse.

丽莉完全明白自己现在已变成一名被丢在荒岛上徒然向驶去的帆船呼救的遗弃者了。Lily had the doomed sense of the castaway who has signalled in vain to fleeing sails.

与驻地花的海洋生物学家的时间和访问远程艺术和-工艺品村庄和弃儿岛屿。Spend time with the resident marine biologist and visit remote arts-and-crafts villages and castaway isles.

她是你的亲妹妹。不管她怎样没出息,怎样堕落,她也是一个圣徒的女儿。She is your sister in the flesh& worthless and castaway as she is, she is the daughter of a saint in heaven.

父亲先走了,留下他在那里,惶恐而孤独,好像被抛弃在荒岛上面。His father departed, leaving Chueh-hsin behind. He felt frightened and lonely, a castaway on a desert island.

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Lingenfelser说上周五将它放归海洋时,它的状况不错,但兽医们曾对它进行过抽血测试。Lingenfelser said that Castaway appeared to be in good condition Friday, but that veterinarians had drawn blood for testing.

实际上,在这个无人岛上出土的一些人造制品提供了强有力的详细证据,证明有人在这里遇难。Indeed, a number of artifacts unearthed on the uninhabited island provide strong circumstantial evidence for a castaway presence.

后来,节目制作人把它与之前另一名漂流者边哭边说被我恐吓的镜头连在了一起。The programme-makers then cobbled this together with old footage of another Castaway crying, and saying that she was intimidated by me.

海难可是一点都不浪漫,即使是万人迷汤姆汉克斯,身边也只剩一颗排球做伴。There’s nothing romantic about being a castaway. Even Tom Hanks was reduced to wailing over the loss of a volleyball, his only companion.

我断定他——定是我那已故的邻人去利物浦旅行时带回来的那个奇怪的收获——一个东印度小水手,或是一个美洲人或西班牙人的弃儿。I declare he is that strange acquisition my late neighbour made, in his journey to Liverpool--a little Lascar, or an American or Spanish castaway.

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此外,该法院还规定,男性雇员可以蓄须,但老板有权命令他们把胡子打理好,以防他们变成翻版流浪汉“鲁滨逊”。The court also ruled that men can sport beards, but the boss has a right to order it to be kept well trimmed and not become a Robinson Crusoe castaway version.