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试玩版会在五月中旬放出。The Demo will come mid May.

你还会像五月花开之时那样爱我?As you did mid the bloom of May?

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那大概是90年代中期。That was probably in the mid 90s.

你们有没有中型车可出租?Do you have any mid. size car available?

它缺乏重中低频,和中低频。It lacks in the mid bass and lower mids.

又冲过中间空气中的一朵花,停下来。And off a blossom in mid air stands still.

我已经在四月中和我的伴侣淑惠订婚了。I got engaged with Sophia in mid April 2009.

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互推通常发生在游戏中后期。And pushing usually happens mid to late game.

就让他人在新的游园中享受徜徉的欢乐吧。Let others delight mid new pleasures to roam.

我们也许会流连在欢乐与金璧辉煌中。Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam.

这条湖通常在一月中旬冰封。The lake usually freezes over by mid January.

中景是成熟的橄榄树和火塘。Mature olive trees and fire pit in mid ground.

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庞克的次文化是从70年代中期开始的。The Punks ' subculture started in the mid 70s.

在黄叶中、汉宫里,蝉在鸣叫。Mid yellow leaves in Han palace cicadas shrill.

雪在空中飘舞,明亮而优美。Snow danced in the mid sky, light and graceful.

中秋对中国人来说是个仅次于阴历新年的日子。I am with my Papa and Mama in the Mid Autum Day.

当你中单时需要的重要物品Important things to have when you're soloing mid

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现在我们有中色调但是没有浅色调和暗色调。Now we have mid tones but no light and dark tones.

中间的转换器包括一台固定的音序器引擎。MID Converter includes a built-in sequencer engine.

十一月中旬时胚珠原体凸出胎座表面。Ovule primordia occur from placenta in mid November.