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伯南克高度宽松的货币政策已然被批评地体无完肤。Critics have come out on all sides of Bernanke's highly accommodative monetary policy.

虽然出现瞳孔放大和适应效应等副作用,但是相对比较轻微。Mydriatric and accommodative effects were present, but relatively mild, as were adverse events.

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不同调节视标下,正视组和稳定性近视组之间的调节反应均无显著差异。However, there were no differences in accommodative responses between emmetropes and stable myopes.

布拉德说,“今天这样的适应性不可能持续太久,如果继续量化宽松我们会引起很大的通货膨胀。”We can’t be as accommodative as we are today for too long, we’ll create a lot of inflation if we do that.

用于检测白内障患者术后调节力的方法也逐渐增多,并各有其优势及局限性。The methods to assess the accommodative ability of accommodative intraocular lens is becoming more and more.

目的探讨与调节有关的内斜视矫正规律。Objective To study the correcting regulation of accommodative refractive esotropia by the systematic treatment.

然而要从当前对紧缩的注重转变为一种更加宽松的立场,并不容易。But getting from the current focus on tightening to a more accommodative position will require some heavy lifting.

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伯南克说,同时他说,经济能够向着不需要更多政策扶植的道路上自我前行。He also said that "the economy could evolve in a way that would warrant a move toward less- accommodative policy."

目的探讨儿童部分调节性内斜视的手术时机,手术量。Objective To investigate the surgical optimal timing and extent for partially accommodative esotropia in children.

结论假性近视患者远视力降低程度与调节痉挛度数呈正相关。Conclusion The distance vision descend degree with the accommodative spasm diopters was reported positive correlation.

目的探讨儿童部分调节性内斜视的手术时机。ObjectivesThe study was designed to approach the surgical opportunity of partially accommodative esotropia in children.

这个决定同时也说明了委员会保持宽松的金融状况来支持经济复苏的目的。The decision also underscored the Committee's intent to maintain accommodative financial conditions as needed to support the recovery.

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调节方差的最大差异出现在处于低速扫描的视频显示器和激光扫描显示器之间。The biggest difference in accommodative variance was between a video display with slow-speed scanning and an equivalent laser-scanned display.

影响眼轴长的因素有性别、屈光状态、调节能力、前房深、玻璃体腔长和头围。Sex, refractive state, accommodative power, anterior chamber depth, vitreous chamber length and head circumference affected ocular axis length.

美联储已经使用多种工具来维持一个非常宽松的货币政策支持经济复苏。The Federal Reserve is already supporting the economic recovery by maintaining an extraordinarily accommodative monetary policy, using multiple tools.

该机构补充称,宽松的货币政策“已经在加剧房价通胀”,但乔克称,香港“目前不存在房地产泡沫”。It adds that the accommodative monetary policy is “already fuelling property price inflation” but Mr Chalk said Hong Kong did “not have a property bubble now”.

求同存异、包容互谅才是寻求各方利益最大公约数的根本途径。The surest way to finding the maximum common denominator between the interests of different parties is to seek consensus and be understanding and accommodative.

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更为宽松的金融条件就意味着高风险资产定价会高,比如股票,在理论上它应该会被更多地投资。More accommodative financial conditions translate into higher prices for risk assets, such as stocks, which in theory ought to result in greater investment spending.

Dorrow表示,这"将注意力拉到,并可能促进未来削减预算.削减预算将限制总体需求,迫使美联储保持非常宽松的货币政策,拖累美元."Dorrow said that "draws attention to and may catalyze future budgetary cuts that will restrain aggregate demand, keeping the Fed very accommodative and the dollar weak."

目的分析近视性屈光参差者双眼的调节参数和正视者是否有差异,探讨这些调节参数的差异是否是导致个体屈光状态近视化发展的诱因。Objective To analyze the accommodative parameters between anisometropes and emmetrope and to see if the accommodation parameters are the risk factor for myope progression.