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一顶飞行伞有著非常有限的速度区间。A paraglider has a very limited speed range.

他驾着滑翔伞飞越了长城。He flew over the Great Wall in a paraglider.

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刹车是如何作用于滑翔伞的翼型?How does the brake act on the paraglider airfoil?

自从飞行伞出现后,人们的这一愿望得以实现。When the first paraglider appeared, People's dream came true.

在尼日尔的泰内雷沙漠中,一张滑翔伞在沙丘上投下了影子。A paraglider casts a shadow over the dunes of Niger's Ténéré desert.

飞行伞在出发点海平面上方之高度。The altitude of the paraglider above sea level at the departure point.

这种情形会发生于飞行伞的翼负载相当于攻角时。This occurs at one angle of attack for the same wing loading of a paraglider.

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英国探险家拜尔和助手驾驶动力滑翔伞飞越了珠穆朗玛峰。English explorers Bear and his assistant flew the Everest by a powered paraglider.

我爱漂漂的冒险精神和男人气概,不过我更爱滑翔伞!I love the spirit of adventure and leaving men mettle, but I also love paraglider !

没有同情心,这位与轮椅相伴的前滑翔伞运动员苦笑着说,正是我所想要的。No pity, replies the wheelchair-bound former paraglider wryly, is just what I want.

气候图片画廊。一个滑翔伞乘风在山龙沙丘上面在智利的阿塔卡马沙漠。A paraglider rides the winds above the Cerro Dragon sand dune in Chile's Atacama Desert.

“漂漂”今年29岁,是温州比较早玩滑翔伞的一批人。"Liberty" 29-year-old is playing paraglider Wenzhou relatively early in a group of people.

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随时注意四周附近有无伞体靠近、并与地面人员保持通信畅通。Always pay attention to the paraglider nearby and keep wireless communication with the ground staff.

一个控制点是沿著航道飞行的过程中,飞行伞必须飞越或降落的点。A control point is a point which the paraglider is required to over-fly or to land at during a flight along a course.

所以,现代设计师几乎能够完全保证一个能够正常表现的滑翔伞从计算机中“飞”出来!However, nowadays, a designer can almost guaranty that a paraglider will fly "properly" straight out of the computer.

对于滑翔伞飞行员来说,使用圆形可操纵备份伞,在抛掉主伞之后能够获得不大于1的滑翔比。For paragliders it is possible to use round steerable parachutes, providing a glide of less than 1 if the paraglider is released.

有些精干的电脑程序员写了滑翔伞设计的程序,能够由任何一家公司或个人购买。Some enterprising computer programmers have written paraglider design programs that can be purchased by any company or individual.

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降落时个人或飞行员指定之身体部位与目标中心点所准确测量之距离。A landing in which the distance of the designated part of a person or of the paraglider from a target centre is precisely measured.

不同的是,他是穿着滑翔服,背着硕大的滑翔伞,捧着鲜花,从200米高空驭风而来的。Different yes, he is wearing a glider suits, the paraglider carrying huge, carrying flowers, Yu from 200 meters altitude winds from the.

所有力量在伞翼上平衡的结果,是提供飞行伞一种沿著逐渐向下的倾斜方向稳定飞行的能力。The result of all the forces balancing on the wing is the capacity of the paraglider to fly steadily in a gradual downward sloping direction.